Bounding regions and bounding boxes.
File originally part of the Topographica project.
### JABALERT: The aarect information should probably be rewritten in
### matrix notation, not list notation, so that it can be scaled,
### translated, etc. easily.
import param
from param.parameterized import get_occupied_slots
from .util import datetime_types
[docs]class BoundingRegion(object):
Abstract bounding region class, for any portion of a 2D plane.
Only subclasses can be instantiated directly.
__abstract = True
__slots__ = ['_aarect']
def contains(self, x, y):
raise NotImplementedError
def __contains__(self, point):
(x, y) = point
return self.contains(x, y)
def scale(self, xs, ys):
raise NotImplementedError
def translate(self, xoff, yoff):
l, b, r, t = self.aarect().lbrt()
self._aarect = AARectangle((l + xoff, b + yoff), (r + xoff, t + yoff))
def rotate(self, theta):
raise NotImplementedError
def aarect(self):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def centroid(self):
Return the coordinates of the center of this BoundingBox
return self.aarect().centroid()
def set(self, points):
self._aarect = AARectangle(*points)
# CEBALERT: same as methods on Parameter
def __getstate__(self):
# BoundingRegions have slots, not a dict, so we have to
# support pickle and deepcopy ourselves.
state = {}
for slot in get_occupied_slots(self):
state[slot] = getattr(self, slot)
return state
def __setstate__(self, state):
for (k, v) in state.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
[docs]class BoundingBox(BoundingRegion):
A rectangular bounding box defined either by two points forming
an axis-aligned rectangle (or simply a radius for a square).
__slots__ = []
def __str__(self):
Return BoundingBox(points=((left,bottom),(right,top)))
Reimplemented here so that 'print' for a BoundingBox
will display the bounds.
l, b, r, t = self._aarect.lbrt()
if (not isinstance(r, datetime_types) and r == -l and
not isinstance(b, datetime_types) and t == -b and r == t):
return 'BoundingBox(radius=%s)' % (r)
return 'BoundingBox(points=((%s,%s),(%s,%s)))' % (l, b, r, t)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def script_repr(self, imports=[], prefix=" "):
# Generate import statement
cls = self.__class__.__name__
mod = self.__module__
imports.append("from %s import %s" % (mod, cls))
return self.__str__()
def __init__(self, **args):
Create a BoundingBox.
Either 'radius' or 'points' can be specified for the AARectangle.
If neither radius nor points is passed in, create a default
AARectangle defined by (-0.5,-0.5),(0.5,0.5).
# if present, 'radius', 'min_radius', and 'points' are deleted from
# args before they're passed to the superclass (because they
# aren't parameters to be set)
if 'radius' in args:
r = args['radius']
del args['radius']
self._aarect = AARectangle((-r, -r), (r, r))
elif 'points' in args:
self._aarect = AARectangle(*args['points'])
del args['points']
self._aarect = AARectangle((-0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5))
super(BoundingBox, self).__init__(**args)
def __contains__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, BoundingBox):
return self.containsbb_inclusive(other)
(x, y) = other
return self.contains(x, y)
[docs] def contains(self, x, y):
Returns true if the given point is contained within the
bounding box, where all boundaries of the box are
considered to be inclusive.
left, bottom, right, top = self.aarect().lbrt()
return (left <= x <= right) and (bottom <= y <= top)
[docs] def contains_exclusive(self, x, y):
Return True if the given point is contained within the
bounding box, where the bottom and right boundaries are
considered exclusive.
left, bottom, right, top = self._aarect.lbrt()
return (left <= x < right) and (bottom < y <= top)
[docs] def containsbb_exclusive(self, x):
Returns true if the given BoundingBox x is contained within the
bounding box, where at least one of the boundaries of the box has
to be exclusive.
left, bottom, right, top = self.aarect().lbrt()
leftx, bottomx, rightx, topx = x.aarect().lbrt()
return (left <= leftx) and (bottom <= bottomx) and (right >= rightx) and (top >= topx) and\
(not ((left == leftx) and (bottom == bottomx) and (right == rightx) and (top == topx)))
[docs] def containsbb_inclusive(self, x):
Returns true if the given BoundingBox x is contained within the
bounding box, including cases of exact match.
left, bottom, right, top = self.aarect().lbrt()
leftx, bottomx, rightx, topx = x.aarect().lbrt()
return (left <= leftx) and (bottom <= bottomx) and (
right >= rightx) and (top >= topx)
[docs] def upperexclusive_contains(self, x, y):
Returns true if the given point is contained within the
bounding box, where the right and upper boundaries
are exclusive, and the left and lower boundaries are
inclusive. Useful for tiling a plane into non-overlapping
left, bottom, right, top = self.aarect().lbrt()
return (left <= x < right) and (bottom <= y < top)
def aarect(self):
return self._aarect
[docs] def lbrt(self):
return left,bottom,right,top values for the BoundingBox.
return self._aarect.lbrt()
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(self, BoundingBox) and isinstance(other, BoundingBox):
return self.lbrt() == other.lbrt()
return False
[docs]class BoundingEllipse(BoundingBox):
Similar to BoundingBox, but the region is the ellipse
inscribed within the rectangle.
__slots__ = []
def contains(self, x, y):
left, bottom, right, top = self.aarect().lbrt()
xr = (right - left) / 2.0
yr = (top - bottom) / 2.0
xc = left + xr
yc = bottom + yr
xd = x - xc
yd = y - yc
return (xd ** 2 / xr ** 2 + yd ** 2 / yr ** 2) <= 1
# JABALERT: Should probably remove top, bottom, etc. accessor functions,
# and use the slot itself instead.
[docs]class AARectangle(object):
Axis-aligned rectangle class.
Defines the smallest axis-aligned rectangle that encloses a set of
Usage: aar = AARectangle( (x1,y1),(x2,y2), ... , (xN,yN) )
__slots__ = ['_left', '_bottom', '_right', '_top']
def __init__(self, *points):
self._top = max([y for x, y in points])
self._bottom = min([y for x, y in points])
self._left = min([x for x, y in points])
self._right = max([x for x, y in points])
# support for pickling because this class has __slots__ rather
# than __dict__
def __getstate__(self):
state = {}
for k in self.__slots__:
state[k] = getattr(self, k)
return state
def __setstate__(self, state):
for k, v in state.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
[docs] def top(self):
"""Return the y-coordinate of the top of the rectangle."""
return self._top
[docs] def bottom(self):
"""Return the y-coordinate of the bottom of the rectangle."""
return self._bottom
[docs] def left(self):
"""Return the x-coordinate of the left side of the rectangle."""
return self._left
[docs] def right(self):
"""Return the x-coordinate of the right side of the rectangle."""
return self._right
[docs] def lbrt(self):
"""Return (left,bottom,right,top) as a tuple."""
return self._left, self._bottom, self._right, self._top
[docs] def centroid(self):
Return the centroid of the rectangle.
left, bottom, right, top = self.lbrt()
return (right + left) / 2.0, (top + bottom) / 2.0
def intersect(self, other):
l1, b1, r1, t1 = self.lbrt()
l2, b2, r2, t2 = other.lbrt()
l = max(l1, l2)
b = max(b1, b2)
r = min(r1, r2)
t = min(t1, t2)
return AARectangle(points=((l, b), (r, t)))
def width(self):
return self._right - self._left
def height(self):
return self._top - self._bottom
def empty(self):
l, b, r, t = self.lbrt()
return (r <= l) or (t <= b)
def identity_hook(obj, val): return val
### JABALERT: Should classes like this inherit from something like
### ClassInstanceParameter, which takes a class name and verifies that
### the value is in that class?
### Do we also need a BoundingBoxParameter?
[docs]class BoundingRegionParameter(param.Parameter):
Parameter whose value can be any BoundingRegion instance, enclosing a
region in a 2D plane.
__slots__ = ['set_hook']
def __init__(self, default=BoundingBox(radius=0.5), **params):
self.set_hook = identity_hook
super(BoundingRegionParameter, self).__init__(default=default,
def __set__(self, obj, val):
Set a non default bounding box, use the installed set hook to
apply any conversion or transformation on the coordinates and
create a new bounding box with the converted coordinate set.
coords = [self.set_hook(obj, point) for point in val.lbrt()]
if coords != val.lbrt():
val = BoundingBox(
points=[(coords[0], coords[1]), (coords[2], coords[3])])
if not isinstance(val, BoundingRegion):
raise ValueError("Parameter must be a BoundingRegion.")
super(BoundingRegionParameter, self).__set__(obj, val)