Operations manipulate Elements, HoloMaps and Layouts, typically for
the purposes of analysis or visualization.
import param
from .dimension import ViewableElement
from .element import Element, HoloMap, GridSpace, NdLayout
from .layout import Layout
from .overlay import NdOverlay, Overlay
from .spaces import DynamicMap, Callable
[docs]class Operation(param.ParameterizedFunction):
An Operation process an Element or HoloMap at the level of
individual elements or overlays. If a holomap is passed in as input,
a processed holomap is returned as output where the individual
elements have been transformed accordingly. An Operation may turn
overlays in new elements or vice versa.
An Operation can be set to be dynamic, which will return a
DynamicMap with a callback that will apply the operation
dynamically. An Operation may also supply a list of Stream classes
on a streams parameter, which can allow dynamic control over the
parameters on the operation.
group = param.String(default='Operation', doc="""
The group string used to identify the output of the
Operation. By default this should match the operation name.""")
dynamic = param.ObjectSelector(default='default',
objects=['default', True, False], doc="""
Whether the operation should be applied dynamically when a
specific frame is requested, specified as a Boolean. If set to
'default' the mode will be determined based on the input type,
i.e. if the data is a DynamicMap it will stay dynamic.""")
input_ranges = param.ClassSelector(default={}, allow_None=True,
class_=(dict, tuple), doc="""
Ranges to be used for input normalization (if applicable) in a
format appropriate for the Normalization.ranges parameter.
By default, no normalization is applied. If key-wise
normalization is required, a 2-tuple may be supplied where the
first component is a Normalization.ranges list and the second
component is Normalization.keys. """)
link_inputs = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
If the operation is dynamic, whether or not linked streams
should be transferred from the operation inputs for backends
that support linked streams.
For example if an operation is applied to a DynamicMap with an
RangeXY, this switch determines whether the corresponding
visualization should update this stream with range changes
originating from the newly generated axes.""")
streams = param.List(default=[], doc="""
List of streams that are applied if dynamic=True, allowing
for dynamic interaction with the plot.""")
[docs] @classmethod
def search(cls, element, pattern):
Helper method that returns a list of elements that match the
given path pattern of form {type}.{group}.{label}.
The input may be a Layout, an Overlay type or a single
if isinstance(element, Layout):
return [el for cell in element for el in cls.search(cell, pattern)]
if isinstance(element, (NdOverlay, Overlay)):
return [el for el in element if el.matches(pattern)]
elif isinstance(element, Element):
return [element] if element.matches(pattern) else []
[docs] @classmethod
def get_overlay_label(cls, overlay, default_label=''):
Returns a label if all the elements of an overlay agree on a
consistent label, otherwise returns the default label.
if all(el.label==overlay.get(0).label for el in overlay):
return overlay.get(0).label
return default_label
[docs] @classmethod
def get_overlay_bounds(cls, overlay):
Returns the extents if all the elements of an overlay agree on
a consistent extents, otherwise raises an exception.
if all(el.bounds==overlay.get(0).bounds for el in overlay):
return overlay.get(0).bounds
raise ValueError("Extents across the overlay are inconsistent")
def _process(self, view, key=None):
Process a single input element and outputs new single element or
overlay. If a HoloMap is passed into an Operation, the
individual components are processed sequentially with the
corresponding key passed as the optional key argument.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def process_element(self, element, key, **params):
The process_element method allows a single element to be
operated on given an externally supplied key.
self.p = param.ParamOverrides(self, params)
return self._process(element, key)
def __call__(self, element, **params):
self.p = param.ParamOverrides(self, params)
dynamic = ((self.p.dynamic == 'default' and
isinstance(element, DynamicMap))
or self.p.dynamic is True)
if isinstance(element, (GridSpace, NdLayout)):
# Initialize an empty axis layout
grid_data = ((pos, self(cell, **params))
for pos, cell in element.items())
processed = element.clone(grid_data)
elif dynamic:
from ..util import Dynamic
processed = Dynamic(element, streams=self.p.streams,
operation=self, kwargs=params)
elif isinstance(element, ViewableElement):
processed = self._process(element)
elif isinstance(element, DynamicMap):
if any((not d.values) for d in element.kdims):
raise ValueError('Applying a non-dynamic operation requires '
'all DynamicMap key dimensions to define '
'the sampling by specifying values.')
samples = tuple(d.values for d in element.kdims)
processed = self(element[samples], **params)
elif isinstance(element, HoloMap):
mapped_items = [(k, self._process(el, key=k))
for k, el in element.items()]
processed = element.clone(mapped_items)
raise ValueError("Cannot process type %r" % type(element).__name__)
return processed
class ElementOperation(Operation):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.warning('ElementOperation has been deprecated and renamed to Operation.')
super(ElementOperation, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class OperationCallable(Callable):
OperationCallable allows wrapping an Operation and the objects it is
processing to allow traversing the operations applied on a
operation = param.ClassSelector(class_=Operation, doc="""
The Operation being wrapped into an OperationCallable.""")
def __init__(self, callable, **kwargs):
if 'operation' not in kwargs:
raise ValueError('An OperationCallable must have an operation specified')
super(OperationCallable, self).__init__(callable, **kwargs)