Source code for holoviews.element.raster

from operator import itemgetter
import numpy as np
import colorsys
import param

from ..core import util
from import ImageInterface
from ..core import Dimension, Element2D, Overlay, Dataset
from ..core.boundingregion import BoundingRegion, BoundingBox
from ..core.sheetcoords import SheetCoordinateSystem, Slice
from ..core.util import max_range, dimension_range, compute_density, datetime_types
from .chart import Curve
from .tabular import Table
from .util import compute_edges, compute_slice_bounds, categorical_aggregate2d

[docs]class Raster(Element2D): """ Raster is a basic 2D element type for presenting either numpy or dask arrays as two dimensional raster images. Arrays with a shape of (N,M) are valid inputs for Raster whereas subclasses of Raster (e.g. RGB) may also accept 3D arrays containing channel information. Raster does not support slicing like the Image or RGB subclasses and the extents are in matrix coordinates if not explicitly specified. """ kdims = param.List(default=[Dimension('x'), Dimension('y')], bounds=(2, 2), constant=True, doc=""" The label of the x- and y-dimension of the Raster in form of a string or dimension object.""") group = param.String(default='Raster', constant=True) vdims = param.List(default=[Dimension('z')], bounds=(1, 1), doc=""" The dimension description of the data held in the matrix.""") def __init__(self, data, kdims=None, vdims=None, extents=None, **params): if extents is None: (d1, d2) = data.shape[:2] extents = (0, 0, d2, d1) super(Raster, self).__init__(data, kdims=kdims, vdims=vdims, extents=extents, **params) def __getitem__(self, slices): if slices in self.dimensions(): return self.dimension_values(slices) slices = util.process_ellipses(self,slices) if not isinstance(slices, tuple): slices = (slices, slice(None)) elif len(slices) > (2 + self.depth): raise KeyError("Can only slice %d dimensions" % 2 + self.depth) elif len(slices) == 3 and slices[-1] not in [self.vdims[0].name, slice(None)]: raise KeyError("%r is the only selectable value dimension" % self.vdims[0].name) slc_types = [isinstance(sl, slice) for sl in slices[:2]] data =[:2][::-1]) if all(slc_types): return self.clone(data, extents=None) elif not any(slc_types): return data else: return self.clone(np.expand_dims(data, axis=slc_types.index(True)), extents=None) def range(self, dim, data_range=True): idx = self.get_dimension_index(dim) if data_range and idx == 2: dimension = self.get_dimension(dim) lower, upper = np.nanmin(, np.nanmax( return dimension_range(lower, upper, dimension) return super(Raster, self).range(dim, data_range)
[docs] def dimension_values(self, dim, expanded=True, flat=True): """ The set of samples available along a particular dimension. """ dim_idx = self.get_dimension_index(dim) if not expanded and dim_idx == 0: return np.array(range([1])) elif not expanded and dim_idx == 1: return np.array(range([0])) elif dim_idx in [0, 1]: values = np.mgrid[[1],[0]][dim_idx] return values.flatten() if flat else values elif dim_idx == 2: arr = return arr.flatten() if flat else arr else: return super(Raster, self).dimension_values(dim)
@classmethod def collapse_data(cls, data_list, function, kdims=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(function, np.ufunc): return function.reduce(data_list) else: return function(np.dstack(data_list), axis=-1, **kwargs)
[docs] def sample(self, samples=[], **sample_values): """ Sample the Raster along one or both of its dimensions, returning a reduced dimensionality type, which is either a ItemTable, Curve or Scatter. If two dimension samples and a new_xaxis is provided the sample will be the value of the sampled unit indexed by the value in the new_xaxis tuple. """ if isinstance(samples, tuple): X, Y = samples samples = zip(X, Y) params = dict(self.get_param_values(onlychanged=True), vdims=self.vdims) params.pop('extents', None) params.pop('bounds', None) if len(sample_values) == self.ndims or len(samples): if not len(samples): samples = zip(*[c if isinstance(c, list) else [c] for _, c in sorted([(self.get_dimension_index(k), v) for k, v in sample_values.items()])]) table_data = [c+(self._zdata[self._coord2matrix(c)],) for c in samples] params['kdims'] = self.kdims return Table(table_data, **params) else: dimension, sample_coord = list(sample_values.items())[0] if isinstance(sample_coord, slice): raise ValueError( 'Raster sampling requires coordinates not slices,' 'use regular slicing syntax.') # Indices inverted for indexing sample_ind = self.get_dimension_index(dimension) if sample_ind is None: raise Exception("Dimension %s not found during sampling" % dimension) other_dimension = [d for i, d in enumerate(self.kdims) if i != sample_ind] # Generate sample slice sample = [slice(None) for i in range(self.ndims)] coord_fn = (lambda v: (v, 0)) if not sample_ind else (lambda v: (0, v)) sample[sample_ind] = self._coord2matrix(coord_fn(sample_coord))[abs(sample_ind-1)] # Sample data x_vals = self.dimension_values(other_dimension[0].name, False) ydata = self._zdata[sample[::-1]] if hasattr(self, 'bounds') and sample_ind == 0: ydata = ydata[::-1] data = list(zip(x_vals, ydata)) params['kdims'] = other_dimension return Curve(data, **params)
[docs] def reduce(self, dimensions=None, function=None, **reduce_map): """ Reduces the Raster using functions provided via the kwargs, where the keyword is the dimension to be reduced. Optionally a label_prefix can be provided to prepend to the result Element label. """ function, dims = self._reduce_map(dimensions, function, reduce_map) if len(dims) == self.ndims: if isinstance(function, np.ufunc): return function.reduce(, axis=None) else: return function( else: dimension = dims[0] other_dimension = [d for d in self.kdims if != dimension] oidx = self.get_dimension_index(other_dimension[0]) x_vals = self.dimension_values(other_dimension[0].name, False) reduced = function(self._zdata, axis=oidx) if oidx and hasattr(self, 'bounds'): reduced = reduced[::-1] data = zip(x_vals, reduced) params = dict(dict(self.get_param_values(onlychanged=True)), kdims=other_dimension, vdims=self.vdims) params.pop('bounds', None) params.pop('extents', None) return Table(data, **params)
@property def depth(self): return len(self.vdims) @property def _zdata(self): return def _coord2matrix(self, coord): return int(round(coord[1])), int(round(coord[0]))
[docs]class Image(Dataset, Raster, SheetCoordinateSystem): """ Image is the atomic unit as which 2D data is stored, along with its bounds object. The input data may be a numpy.matrix object or a two-dimensional numpy array. Allows slicing operations of the data in sheet coordinates or direct access to the data, via the .data attribute. """ bounds = param.ClassSelector(class_=BoundingRegion, default=BoundingBox(), doc=""" The bounding region in sheet coordinates containing the data.""") datatype = param.List(default=['image', 'grid', 'xarray', 'cube', 'dataframe', 'dictionary']) group = param.String(default='Image', constant=True) kdims = param.List(default=[Dimension('x'), Dimension('y')], bounds=(2, 2), constant=True, doc=""" The label of the x- and y-dimension of the Raster in form of a string or dimension object.""") vdims = param.List(default=[Dimension('z')], bounds=(1, 1), doc=""" The dimension description of the data held in the matrix.""") def __init__(self, data, kdims=None, vdims=None, bounds=None, extents=None, xdensity=None, ydensity=None, **params): extents = extents if extents else (None, None, None, None) if (data is None or (isinstance(data, (list, tuple)) and not data) or (isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and data.size == 0)): data = np.zeros((2, 2)) Dataset.__init__(self, data, kdims=kdims, vdims=vdims, extents=extents, **params) dim2, dim1 = self.interface.shape(self, gridded=True)[:2] if bounds is None: xvals = self.dimension_values(0, False) l, r, xdensity, _ = util.bound_range(xvals, xdensity, self._time_unit) yvals = self.dimension_values(1, False) b, t, ydensity, _ = util.bound_range(yvals, ydensity, self._time_unit) bounds = BoundingBox(points=((l, b), (r, t))) elif np.isscalar(bounds): bounds = BoundingBox(radius=bounds) elif isinstance(bounds, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): l, b, r, t = bounds bounds = BoundingBox(points=((l, b), (r, t))) l, b, r, t = bounds.lbrt() xdensity = xdensity if xdensity else compute_density(l, r, dim1, self._time_unit) ydensity = ydensity if ydensity else compute_density(b, t, dim2, self._time_unit) SheetCoordinateSystem.__init__(self, bounds, xdensity, ydensity) if len(self.shape) == 3: if self.shape[2] != len(self.vdims): raise ValueError("Input array has shape %r but %d value dimensions defined" % (self.shape, len(self.vdims))) def __setstate__(self, state): """ Ensures old-style unpickled Image types without an interface use the ImageInterface. Note: Deprecate as part of 2.0 """ self.__dict__ = state if isinstance(, np.ndarray): self.interface = ImageInterface super(Dataset, self).__setstate__(state) def aggregate(self, dimensions=None, function=None, spreadfn=None, **kwargs): agg = super(Image, self).aggregate(dimensions, function, spreadfn, **kwargs) return Curve(agg) if isinstance(agg, Dataset) and len(self.vdims) == 1 else agg
[docs] def select(self, selection_specs=None, **selection): """ Allows selecting data by the slices, sets and scalar values along a particular dimension. The indices should be supplied as keywords mapping between the selected dimension and value. Additionally selection_specs (taking the form of a list of strings, types or functions) may be supplied, which will ensure the selection is only applied if the specs match the selected object. """ if selection_specs and not any(self.matches(sp) for sp in selection_specs): return self selection = {self.get_dimension(k).name: slice(*sel) if isinstance(sel, tuple) else sel for k, sel in selection.items() if k in self.kdims} coords = tuple(selection[] if in selection else slice(None) for kd in self.kdims) shape = self.interface.shape(self, gridded=True) if any([isinstance(el, slice) for el in coords]): bounds = compute_slice_bounds(coords, self, shape[:2]) xdim, ydim = self.kdims l, b, r, t = bounds.lbrt() # Situate resampled region into overall slice y0, y1, x0, x1 = Slice(bounds, self) y0, y1 = shape[0]-y1, shape[0]-y0 selection = (slice(y0, y1), slice(x0, x1)) sliced = True else: y, x = self.sheet2matrixidx(coords[0], coords[1]) y = shape[0]-y-1 selection = (y, x) sliced = False datatype = list(util.unique_iterator([self.interface.datatype]+self.datatype)) data = self.interface.ndloc(self, selection) if not sliced: if np.isscalar(data): return data elif isinstance(data, tuple): data = data[self.ndims:] return self.clone(data, kdims=[], new_type=Dataset, datatype=datatype) else: return self.clone(data, xdensity=self.xdensity, datatype=datatype, ydensity=self.ydensity, bounds=bounds)
[docs] def sample(self, samples=[], **kwargs): """ Allows sampling of an Image as an iterator of coordinates matching the key dimensions, returning a new object containing just the selected samples. Alternatively may supply kwargs to sample a coordinate on an object. On an Image the coordinates are continuously indexed and will always snap to the nearest coordinate. """ kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k != 'closest'} if kwargs and samples: raise Exception('Supply explicit list of samples or kwargs, not both.') elif kwargs: sample = [slice(None) for _ in range(self.ndims)] for dim, val in kwargs.items(): sample[self.get_dimension_index(dim)] = val samples = [tuple(sample)] # If a 1D cross-section of 2D space return Curve shape = self.interface.shape(self, gridded=True) if len(samples) == 1: dims = [kd for kd, v in zip(self.kdims, samples[0]) if not np.isscalar(v)] if len(dims) == 1: kdims = [self.get_dimension(kd) for kd in dims] sel = { s for kd, s in zip(self.kdims, samples[0])} dims = [kd for kd, v in sel.items() if not np.isscalar(v)] selection =**sel) selection = tuple(selection.columns(kdims+self.vdims).values()) datatype = list(util.unique_iterator(self.datatype+['dataframe', 'dict'])) return self.clone(selection, kdims=kdims, new_type=Curve, datatype=datatype) else: kdims = self.kdims else: kdims = self.kdims xs, ys = zip(*samples) yidx, xidx = self.sheet2matrixidx(np.array(xs), np.array(ys)) yidx = shape[0]-yidx-1 # Detect out-of-bounds indices out_of_bounds= (yidx<0) | (xidx<0) | (yidx>=shape[0]) | (xidx>=shape[1]) if out_of_bounds.any(): coords = [samples[idx] for idx in np.where(out_of_bounds)[0]] raise IndexError('Coordinate(s) %s out of bounds for %s with bounds %s' % (coords, type(self).__name__, self.bounds.lbrt())) data = self.interface.ndloc(self, (yidx, xidx)) return self.clone(data, new_type=Table, datatype=['dataframe', 'dict'])
[docs] def closest(self, coords=[], **kwargs): """ Given a single coordinate or multiple coordinates as a tuple or list of tuples or keyword arguments matching the dimension closest will find the closest actual x/y coordinates. """ if kwargs and coords: raise ValueError("Specify coordinate using as either a list " "keyword arguments not both") if kwargs: coords = [] getter = [] for k, v in kwargs.items(): idx = self.get_dimension_index(k) if np.isscalar(v): coords.append((0, v) if idx else (v, 0)) else: if isinstance(v, list): coords = [(0, c) if idx else (c, 0) for c in v] if len(coords) not in [0, len(v)]: raise ValueError("Length of samples must match") elif len(coords): coords = [(t[abs(idx-1)], c) if idx else (c, t[abs(idx-1)]) for c, t in zip(v, coords)] getter.append(idx) else: getter = [0, 1] getter = itemgetter(*sorted(getter)) if len(coords) == 1: coords = coords[0] if isinstance(coords, tuple): return getter(self.closest_cell_center(*coords)) else: return [getter(self.closest_cell_center(*el)) for el in coords]
def range(self, dim, data_range=True): idx = self.get_dimension_index(dim) dimension = self.get_dimension(dim) low, high = super(Image, self).range(dim, data_range) if idx in [0, 1] and data_range and dimension.range == (None, None): if self.interface.datatype == 'image': l, b, r, t = self.bounds.lbrt() return (b, t) if idx else (l, r) density = self.ydensity if idx else self.xdensity halfd = (1./density)/2. if isinstance(low, datetime_types): halfd = np.timedelta64(int(round(halfd)), self._time_unit) return (low-halfd, high+halfd) else: return super(Image, self).range(dim, data_range)
[docs] def table(self, datatype=None): """ Converts the data Element to a Table, optionally may specify a supported data type. The default data types are 'numpy' (for homogeneous data), 'dataframe', and 'dictionary'. """ if datatype and not isinstance(datatype, list): datatype = [datatype] from ..element import Table return self.clone(self.columns(), new_type=Table, **(dict(datatype=datatype) if datatype else {}))
def _coord2matrix(self, coord): return self.sheet2matrixidx(*coord)
class GridImage(Image): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.warning('GridImage is now deprecated. Please use Image element instead.') super(GridImage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class RGB(Image): """ An RGB element is a Image containing channel data for the the red, green, blue and (optionally) the alpha channels. The values of each channel must be in the range 0.0 to 1.0. In input array may have a shape of NxMx4 or NxMx3. In the latter case, the defined alpha dimension parameter is appended to the list of value dimensions. """ group = param.String(default='RGB', constant=True) alpha_dimension = param.ClassSelector(default=Dimension('A',range=(0,1)), class_=Dimension, instantiate=False, doc=""" The alpha dimension definition to add the value dimensions if an alpha channel is supplied.""") vdims = param.List( default=[Dimension('R', range=(0,1)), Dimension('G',range=(0,1)), Dimension('B', range=(0,1))], bounds=(3, 4), doc=""" The dimension description of the data held in the matrix. If an alpha channel is supplied, the defined alpha_dimension is automatically appended to this list.""") _vdim_reductions = {1: Image} @property def rgb(self): """ Returns the corresponding RGB element. Other than the updating parameter definitions, this is the only change needed to implemented an arbitrary colorspace as a subclass of RGB. """ return self
[docs] @classmethod def load_image(cls, filename, height=1, array=False, bounds=None, bare=False, **kwargs): """ Returns an raster element or raw numpy array from a PNG image file, using matplotlib. The specified height determines the bounds of the raster object in sheet coordinates: by default the height is 1 unit with the width scaled appropriately by the image aspect ratio. Note that as PNG images are encoded as RGBA, the red component maps to the first channel, the green component maps to the second component etc. For RGB elements, this mapping is trivial but may be important for subclasses e.g. for HSV elements. Setting bare=True will apply options disabling axis labels displaying just the bare image. Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to the Image object. """ try: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt except: raise ImportError("RGB.load_image requires matplotlib.") data = plt.imread(filename) if array: return data (h, w, _) = data.shape if bounds is None: f = float(height) / h xoffset, yoffset = w*f/2, h*f/2 bounds=(-xoffset, -yoffset, xoffset, yoffset) rgb = cls(data, bounds=bounds, **kwargs) if bare: rgb = rgb(plot=dict(xaxis=None, yaxis=None)) return rgb
def __init__(self, data, kdims=None, vdims=None, **params): if isinstance(data, Overlay): images = data.values() if not all(isinstance(im, Image) for im in images): raise ValueError("Input overlay must only contain Image elements") shapes = [ for im in images] if not all(shape==shapes[0] for shape in shapes): raise ValueError("Images in the input overlays must contain data of the consistent shape") ranges = [im.vdims[0].range for im in images] if any(None in r for r in ranges): raise ValueError("Ranges must be defined on all the value dimensions of all the Images") arrays = [( - r[0]) / (r[1] - r[0]) for r,im in zip(ranges, images)] data = np.dstack(arrays) if vdims is None: vdims = list(self.vdims) else: vdims = list(vdims) if isinstance(vdims, list) else [vdims] if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): if data.shape[-1] == 4 and len(vdims) == 3: vdims.append(self.alpha_dimension) super(RGB, self).__init__(data, kdims=kdims, vdims=vdims, **params)
[docs]class HSV(RGB): """ Example of a commonly used color space subclassed from RGB used for working in a HSV (hue, saturation and value) color space. """ group = param.String(default='HSV', constant=True) alpha_dimension = param.ClassSelector(default=Dimension('A',range=(0,1)), class_=Dimension, instantiate=False, doc=""" The alpha dimension definition to add the value dimensions if an alpha channel is supplied.""") vdims = param.List( default=[Dimension('H', range=(0,1), cyclic=True), Dimension('S',range=(0,1)), Dimension('V', range=(0,1))], bounds=(3, 4), doc=""" The dimension description of the data held in the array. If an alpha channel is supplied, the defined alpha_dimension is automatically appended to this list.""") hsv_to_rgb = np.vectorize(colorsys.hsv_to_rgb) @property def rgb(self): """ Conversion from HSV to RGB. """ data = [self.dimension_values(d, flat=False) for d in self.vdims] hsv = self.hsv_to_rgb(*data[:3]) if len(self.vdims) == 4: hsv += (data[3],) params = util.get_param_values(self) del params['vdims'] return RGB(np.dstack(hsv)[::-1], bounds=self.bounds, xdensity=self.xdensity, ydensity=self.ydensity, **params)
[docs]class QuadMesh(Raster): """ QuadMesh is a Raster type to hold x- and y- bin values with associated values. The x- and y-values of the QuadMesh may be supplied either as the edges of each bin allowing uneven sampling or as the bin centers, which will be converted to evenly sampled edges. As a secondary but less supported mode QuadMesh can contain a mesh of quadrilateral coordinates that is not laid out in a grid. The data should then be supplied as three separate 2D arrays for the x-/y-coordinates and grid values. """ group = param.String(default="QuadMesh", constant=True) kdims = param.List(default=[Dimension('x'), Dimension('y')], bounds=(2, 2), constant=True) vdims = param.List(default=[Dimension('z')], bounds=(1,1)) def __init__(self, data, kdims=None, vdims=None, **params): data = self._process_data(data) Element2D.__init__(self, data, kdims=kdims, vdims=vdims, **params) = self._validate_data( self._grid =[0].ndim == 1 @property def depth(self): return 1 def _process_data(self, data): if isinstance(data, Image): x = data.dimension_values(0, expanded=False) y = data.dimension_values(1, expanded=False) zarray = data.dimension_values(2, flat=False) else: data = tuple(np.array(el) for el in data) x, y, zarray = data ys, xs = zarray.shape if x.ndim == 1 and len(x) == xs: x = compute_edges(x) if y.ndim == 1 and len(y) == ys: y = compute_edges(y) return (x, y, zarray) @property def _zdata(self): return[2] def _validate_data(self, data): x, y, z = data if not z.ndim == 2: raise ValueError("Z-values must be 2D array") ys, xs = z.shape shape_errors = [] if x.ndim == 1 and xs+1 != len(x): shape_errors.append('x') if x.ndim == 1 and ys+1 != len(y): shape_errors.append('y') if shape_errors: raise ValueError("%s-edges must match shape of z-array." % '/'.join(shape_errors)) return data def __getitem__(self, slices): if slices in self.dimensions(): return self.dimension_values(slices) slices = util.process_ellipses(self,slices) if not self._grid: raise KeyError("Indexing of non-grid based QuadMesh" "currently not supported") slices = util.wrap_tuple(slices) if len(slices) == 1: slices = slices+(slice(None),) if len(slices) > (2 + self.depth): raise KeyError("Can only slice %d dimensions" % (2 + self.depth)) elif len(slices) == 3 and slices[-1] not in [self.vdims[0].name, slice(None)]: raise KeyError("%r is the only selectable value dimension" % self.vdims[0].name) slices = slices[:2] if not isinstance(slices, tuple): slices = (slices, slice(None)) slc_types = [isinstance(sl, slice) for sl in slices] if not any(slc_types): indices = [] for idx, data in zip(slices,[:self.ndims]): dig = np.digitize([idx], data) indices.append(dig-1 if dig else dig) return[2][tuple(indices[::-1])][0] else: sliced_data, indices = [], [] for slc, data in zip(slices,[:self.ndims]): if isinstance(slc, slice): low, high = slc.start, slc.stop lidx = (None if low is None else max((np.digitize([low], data)-1, 0))[0]) hidx = (None if high is None else np.digitize([high], data)[0]) sliced_data.append(data[lidx:hidx]) indices.append(slice(lidx, (hidx if hidx is None else hidx-1))) else: index = (np.digitize([slc], data)-1)[0] sliced_data.append(data[index:index+2]) indices.append(index) z = np.atleast_2d([2][tuple(indices[::-1])]) if not all(slc_types) and not slc_types[0]: z = z.T return self.clone(tuple(sliced_data+[z]))
[docs] @classmethod def collapse_data(cls, data_list, function, kdims=None, **kwargs): """ Allows collapsing the data of a number of QuadMesh Elements with a function. """ if not all(data[0].ndim == 1 for data in data_list): raise Exception("Collapsing of non-grid based QuadMesh" "currently not supported") xs, ys, zs = zip(data_list) if isinstance(function, np.ufunc): z = function.reduce(zs) else: z = function(np.dstack(zs), axis=-1, **kwargs) return xs[0], ys[0], z
def _coord2matrix(self, coord): return tuple((np.digitize([coord[i]],[i])-1)[0] for i in [1, 0]) def range(self, dimension, data_range=True): idx = self.get_dimension_index(dimension) dim = self.get_dimension(dimension) if idx in [0, 1, 2] and data_range: data =[idx] lower, upper = np.nanmin(data), np.nanmax(data) return dimension_range(lower, upper, dim) return super(QuadMesh, self).range(dimension, data_range) def dimension_values(self, dimension, expanded=True, flat=True): idx = self.get_dimension_index(dimension) data =[idx] if idx in [0, 1]: # Handle grid if not self._grid: return data.flatten() odim =[2].shape[idx] if expanded else 1 vals = np.tile(np.convolve(data, np.ones((2,))/2, mode='valid'), odim) if idx: return np.sort(vals) else: return vals elif idx == 2: # Value dimension return data.flatten() if flat else data else: # Handle constant dimensions return super(QuadMesh, self).dimension_values(idx)
[docs]class HeatMap(Dataset, Element2D): """ HeatMap is an atomic Element used to visualize two dimensional parameter spaces. It supports sparse or non-linear spaces, dynamically upsampling them to a dense representation, which can be visualized. A HeatMap can be initialized with any dict or NdMapping type with two-dimensional keys. """ group = param.String(default='HeatMap', constant=True) kdims = param.List(default=[Dimension('x'), Dimension('y')], bounds=(2, 2), constant=True) vdims = param.List(default=[Dimension('z')], constant=True) def __init__(self, data, kdims=None, vdims=None, **params): super(HeatMap, self).__init__(data, kdims=kdims, vdims=vdims, **params) self.gridded = categorical_aggregate2d(self) @property def raster(self): self.warning("The .raster attribute on HeatMap is deprecated, " "the 2D aggregate is now computed dynamically " "during plotting.") return self.gridded.dimension_values(2, flat=False)