import os
from unittest import SkipTest
import param
from IPython import version_info
import holoviews
from param import ipython as param_ext
from IPython.display import HTML
from ..core.tree import AttrTree
from ..core.options import Store
from ..element.comparison import ComparisonTestCase
from ..util import extension
from ..plotting.renderer import Renderer
from .magics import load_magics
from .display_hooks import display # noqa (API import)
from .display_hooks import set_display_hooks
from .widgets import RunProgress
AttrTree._disabled_prefixes = ['_repr_','_ipython_canary_method_should_not_exist']
[docs]def show_traceback():
Display the full traceback after an abbreviated traceback has occurred.
from .display_hooks import FULL_TRACEBACK
[docs]class IPTestCase(ComparisonTestCase):
This class extends ComparisonTestCase to handle IPython specific
objects and support the execution of cells and magic.
def setUp(self):
super(IPTestCase, self).setUp()
import IPython
from IPython.display import HTML, SVG
self.ip = IPython.InteractiveShell()
if self.ip is None:
raise TypeError()
except Exception:
raise SkipTest("IPython could not be started")
self.addTypeEqualityFunc(HTML, self.skip_comparison)
self.addTypeEqualityFunc(SVG, self.skip_comparison)
def skip_comparison(self, obj1, obj2, msg): pass
def get_object(self, name):
obj = self.ip._object_find(name).obj
if obj is None:
raise self.failureException("Could not find object %s" % name)
return obj
[docs] def cell(self, line):
"Run an IPython cell"
self.ip.run_cell(line, silent=True)
[docs] def cell_magic(self, *args, **kwargs):
"Run an IPython cell magic"
self.ip.run_cell_magic(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def line_magic(self, *args, **kwargs):
"Run an IPython line magic"
self.ip.run_line_magic(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class notebook_extension(extension):
Notebook specific extension to hv.extension that offers options for
controlling the notebook environment.
css = param.String(default='', doc="Optional CSS rule set to apply to the notebook.")
logo = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="Toggles display of HoloViews logo")
inline = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""Whether to inline JS and CSS resources,
if disabled resources are loaded from CDN if one is available.""")
width = param.Number(default=None, bounds=(0, 100), doc="""
Width of the notebook as a percentage of the browser screen window width.""")
display_formats = param.List(default=['html'], doc="""
A list of formats that are rendered to the notebook where
multiple formats may be selected at once (although only one
format will be displayed).
Although the 'html' format is supported across backends, other
formats supported by the current backend (e.g 'png' and 'svg'
using the matplotlib backend) may be used. This may be useful to
export figures to other formats such as PDF with nbconvert. """)
case_sensitive_completion = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to monkey patch IPython to use the correct tab-completion
behavior. """)
_loaded = False
def __call__(self, *args, **params):
super(notebook_extension, self).__call__(*args, **params)
# Abort if IPython not found
ip = params.pop('ip', None) or get_ipython() # noqa (get_ipython)
# Notebook archive relies on display hooks being set to work.
if version_info[0] >= 4:
import nbformat # noqa (ensures availability)
from IPython import nbformat # noqa (ensures availability)
from .archive import notebook_archive
holoviews.archive = notebook_archive
except ImportError:
# Not quite right, should be set when switching backends
if 'matplotlib' in Store.renderers and not notebook_extension._loaded:
svg_exporter = Store.renderers['matplotlib'].instance(holomap=None,fig='svg')
holoviews.archive.exporters = [svg_exporter] + holoviews.archive.exporters
p = param.ParamOverrides(self, {k:v for k,v in params.items() if k!='config'})
if p.case_sensitive_completion:
from IPython.core import completer
completer.completions_sorting_key = self.completions_sorting_key
resources = self._get_resources(args, params)
Store.display_formats = p.display_formats
if 'html' not in p.display_formats and len(p.display_formats) > 1:
msg = ('Output magic unable to control displayed format '
'as IPython notebook uses fixed precedence '
'between %r' % p.display_formats)
display(HTML('<b>Warning</b>: %s' % msg))
if notebook_extension._loaded == False:
param_ext.load_ipython_extension(ip, verbose=False)
notebook_extension._loaded = True
css = ''
if p.width is not None:
css += '<style>div.container { width: %s%% }</style>' % p.width
if p.css:
css += '<style>%s</style>' % p.css
if css:
resources = list(resources)
if len(resources) == 0: return
for r in [r for r in resources if r != 'holoviews']:
# Create a message for the logo (if shown)
bokeh_logo= p.logo and ('bokeh' in resources),
mpl_logo= p.logo and (('matplotlib' in resources)
or resources==['holoviews']),
plotly_logo= p.logo and ('plotly' in resources),
JS=('holoviews' in resources))
[docs] @classmethod
def completions_sorting_key(cls, word):
"Fixed version of IPyton.completer.completions_sorting_key"
prio1, prio2 = 0, 0
if word.startswith('__'): prio1 = 2
elif word.startswith('_'): prio1 = 1
if word.endswith('='): prio1 = -1
if word.startswith('%%'):
if not "%" in word[2:]:
word = word[2:]; prio2 = 2
elif word.startswith('%'):
if not "%" in word[1:]:
word = word[1:]; prio2 = 1
return prio1, word, prio2
def _get_resources(self, args, params):
Finds the list of resources from the keyword parameters and pops
them out of the params dictionary.
resources = []
disabled = []
for resource in ['holoviews'] + list(Store.renderers.keys()):
if resource in args:
if resource in params:
setting = params.pop(resource)
if setting is True and resource != 'matplotlib':
if resource not in resources:
if setting is False:
unmatched_args = set(args) - set(resources)
if unmatched_args:
display(HTML('<b>Warning:</b> Unrecognized resources %s'
% ', '.join(unmatched_args)))
resources = [r for r in resources if r not in disabled]
if ('holoviews' not in disabled) and ('holoviews' not in resources):
resources = ['holoviews'] + resources
return resources
[docs] @classmethod
def load_hvjs(cls, logo=False, bokeh_logo=False, mpl_logo=False, plotly_logo=False,
JS=True, message='HoloViewsJS successfully loaded.'):
Displays javascript and CSS to initialize HoloViews widgets.
import jinja2
# Evaluate load_notebook.html template with widgetjs code
if JS:
widgetjs, widgetcss = Renderer.html_assets(extras=False, backends=[])
widgetjs, widgetcss = '', ''
templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
jinjaEnv = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader)
template = jinjaEnv.get_template('load_notebook.html')
display(HTML(template.render({'widgetjs': widgetjs,
'widgetcss': widgetcss,
'logo': logo,
'bokeh_logo': bokeh_logo,
'mpl_logo': mpl_logo,
'plotly_logo': plotly_logo,
'message': message})))
[docs] @param.parameterized.bothmethod
def tab_completion_docstring(self_or_cls):
Generates a docstring that can be used to enable tab-completion
of resources.
elements = ['%s=Boolean' %k for k in list(Store.renderers.keys())]
for name, p in self_or_cls.params().items():
param_type = p.__class__.__name__
elements.append("%s=%s" % (name, param_type))
return "params(%s)" % ', '.join(['holoviews=Boolean'] + elements)
notebook_extension.__doc__ = notebook_extension.tab_completion_docstring()
def load_ipython_extension(ip):
def unload_ipython_extension(ip):
notebook_extension._loaded = False