Implements NotebookArchive used to automatically capture notebook data
and export it to disk via the display hooks.
import time, sys, os, traceback
from IPython import version_info
from IPython.display import Javascript, display
from .preprocessors import Substitute
# Import appropriate nbconvert machinery
if version_info[0] >= 4:
# Jupyter/IPython >=4.0
from nbformat import reader
from nbconvert import HTMLExporter
from nbconvert.preprocessors.clearoutput import ClearOutputPreprocessor
from nbconvert import NotebookExporter
# IPython <= 3.0
from IPython.nbformat import reader
from IPython.nbconvert import HTMLExporter
if version_info[0] == 3:
# IPython 3
from IPython.nbconvert.preprocessors.clearoutput import ClearOutputPreprocessor
from IPython.nbconvert import NotebookExporter
# IPython 2
from IPython.nbformat import current
NotebookExporter, ClearOutputPreprocessor = None, None
def v3_strip_output(nb):
"""strip the outputs from a notebook object"""
nb["nbformat"] = 3
nb["nbformat_minor"] = 0
nb.metadata.pop('signature', None)
for cell in nb.worksheets[0].cells:
if 'outputs' in cell:
cell['outputs'] = []
if 'prompt_number' in cell:
cell['prompt_number'] = None
return nb
import param
from ..core.io import FileArchive, Pickler
from ..plotting.renderer import HTML_TAGS, MIME_TYPES
[docs]class NotebookArchive(FileArchive):
FileArchive that can automatically capture notebook data via the
display hooks and automatically adds a notebook HTML snapshot to
the archive upon export.
exporters = param.List(default=[Pickler])
skip_notebook_export = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to skip JavaScript capture of notebook data which may
be unreliable. Also disabled automatic capture of notebook
snapshot_name = param.String('index', doc="""
The basename of the exported notebook snapshot (html). It may
optionally use the {timestamp} formatter.""")
filename_formatter = param.String(default='{dimensions},{obj}', doc="""
Similar to FileArchive.filename_formatter except with support
for the notebook name field as {notebook}.""")
export_name = param.String(default='{notebook}', doc="""
Similar to FileArchive.filename_formatter except with support
for the notebook name field as {notebook}.""")
auto = param.Boolean(False)
# Used for debugging to view Exceptions raised from Javascript
traceback = None
ffields = FileArchive.ffields.union({'notebook'})
efields = FileArchive.efields.union({'notebook'})
def __init__(self, **params):
super(NotebookArchive, self).__init__(**params)
self.nbversion = None
self.notebook_name = None
self.export_success = None
self._auto = False
self._replacements = {}
self._notebook_data = None
self._timestamp = None
self._tags = {MIME_TYPES[k]:v for k,v in HTML_TAGS.items() if k in MIME_TYPES}
keywords = ['%s=%s' % (k, v.__class__.__name__) for k,v in self.params().items()]
self.auto.__func__.__doc__ = 'auto(enabled=Boolean, %s)' % ', '.join(keywords)
[docs] def get_namespace(self):
Find the name the user is using to access holoviews.
if 'holoviews' not in sys.modules:
raise ImportError('HoloViews does not seem to be imported')
matches = [k for k,v in get_ipython().user_ns.items() # noqa (get_ipython)
if not k.startswith('_') and v is sys.modules['holoviews']]
if len(matches) == 0:
raise Exception("Could not find holoviews module in namespace")
return '%s.archive' % matches[0]
[docs] def last_export_status(self):
"Helper to show the status of the last call to the export method."
if self.export_success is True:
print("The last call to holoviews.archive.export was successful.")
elif self.export_success is None:
print("Status of the last call to holoviews.archive.export is unknown."
"\n(Re-execute this method once kernel status is idle.)")
print("The last call to holoviews.archive.export was unsuccessful.")
if self.traceback is None:
print("\n<No traceback captured>")
[docs] def auto(self, enabled=True, **kwargs):
Method to enable or disable automatic capture, allowing you to
simultaneously set the instance parameters.
self.namespace = self.get_namespace()
self.notebook_name = "{notebook}"
self._timestamp = tuple(time.localtime())
kernel = r'var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel; '
nbname = r"var nbname = IPython.notebook.get_notebook_name(); "
nbcmd = (r"var name_cmd = '%s.notebook_name = \"' + nbname + '\"'; " % self.namespace)
cmd = (kernel + nbname + nbcmd + "kernel.execute(name_cmd); ")
tstamp = time.strftime(" [%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]", self._timestamp)
print("Automatic capture is now %s.%s"
% ('enabled' if enabled else 'disabled',
tstamp if enabled else ''))
[docs] def export(self, timestamp=None):
Get the current notebook data and export.
if self._timestamp is None:
raise Exception("No timestamp set. Has the archive been initialized?")
if self.skip_notebook_export:
super(NotebookArchive, self).export(timestamp=self._timestamp,
self.export_success = None
name = self.get_namespace()
# Unfortunate javascript hacks to get at notebook data
capture_cmd = ((r"var capture = '%s._notebook_data=r\"\"\"'" % name)
+ r"+json_string+'\"\"\"'; ")
cmd = (r'var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel; '
+ r'var json_data = IPython.notebook.toJSON(); '
+ r'var json_string = JSON.stringify(json_data); '
+ capture_cmd
+ "var pycmd = capture + ';%s._export_with_html()'; " % name
+ r"kernel.execute(pycmd)")
tstamp = time.strftime(self.timestamp_format, self._timestamp)
export_name = self._format(self.export_name, {'timestamp':tstamp, 'notebook':self.notebook_name})
print(('Export name: %r\nDirectory %r' % (export_name,
+ '\n\nIf no output appears, please check holoviews.archive.last_export_status()')
[docs] def add(self, obj=None, filename=None, data=None, info={}, html=None):
"Similar to FileArchive.add but accepts html strings for substitution"
initial_last_key = list(self._files.keys())[-1] if len(self) else None
if self._auto:
exporters = self.exporters[:]
# Can only associate html for one exporter at a time
for exporter in exporters:
self.exporters = [exporter]
super(NotebookArchive, self).add(obj, filename, data,
# Only add substitution if file successfully added to archive.
new_last_key = list(self._files.keys())[-1] if len(self) else None
if new_last_key != initial_last_key:
self._replacements[new_last_key] = html
# Restore the full list of exporters
self.exporters = exporters
# The following methods are executed via JavaScript and so fail
# to appear in the coverage report even though they are tested.
def _generate_html(self, node, substitutions): # pragma: no cover
exporter = HTMLExporter()
html,_ = exporter.from_notebook_node(node)
return html
def _clear_notebook(self, node): # pragma: no cover
if NotebookExporter is not None:
exporter = NotebookExporter()
cleared,_ = exporter.from_notebook_node(node)
stripped_node = v3_strip_output(node)
cleared = current.writes(stripped_node, 'ipynb')
return cleared
def _export_with_html(self): # pragma: no cover
"Computes substitutions before using nbconvert with preprocessors"
self.export_success = False
tstamp = time.strftime(self.timestamp_format, self._timestamp)
substitutions = {}
for (basename, ext), entry in self._files.items():
(_, info) = entry
html_key = self._replacements.get((basename, ext), None)
if html_key is None: continue
filename = self._format(basename, {'timestamp':tstamp,
fpath = filename+(('.%s' % ext) if ext else '')
info = {'src':fpath, 'mime_type':info['mime_type']}
# No mime type
if 'mime_type' not in info: pass
# Not displayable in an HTML tag
elif info['mime_type'] not in self._tags: pass
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(fpath)
truncated = self._truncate_name(basename, ext[1:])
link_html = self._format(self._tags[info['mime_type']],
substitutions[html_key] = (link_html, truncated)
node = self._get_notebook_node()
html = self._generate_html(node, substitutions)
export_filename = self.snapshot_name
# Add the html snapshot
super(NotebookArchive, self).add(filename=export_filename,
data=html, info={'file-ext':'html',
# Add cleared notebook
cleared = self._clear_notebook(node)
super(NotebookArchive, self).add(filename=export_filename,
data=cleared, info={'file-ext':'ipynb',
# If store cleared_notebook... save here
super(NotebookArchive, self).export(timestamp=self._timestamp,
self.traceback = traceback.format_exc()
self.export_success = True
def _get_notebook_node(self): # pragma: no cover
"Load captured notebook node"
size = len(self._notebook_data)
if size == 0:
raise Exception("Captured buffer size for notebook node is zero.")
node = reader.reads(self._notebook_data)
self.nbversion = reader.get_version(node)
return node
notebook_archive = NotebookArchive()