Source code for holoviews.ipython.display_hooks

Definition and registration of display hooks for the IPython Notebook.
from functools import wraps
from contextlib import contextmanager

import sys, traceback

import IPython
from IPython import get_ipython

import holoviews
from holoviews.plotting import Plot
from ..core.options import (Store, StoreOptions, SkipRendering,
from ..core import (ViewableElement, UniformNdMapping,
                    HoloMap, AdjointLayout, NdLayout, GridSpace, Layout,
                    CompositeOverlay, DynamicMap)
from ..core.traversal import unique_dimkeys
from import FileArchive
from ..util.settings import OutputSettings
from .magics import OptsMagic, OutputMagic

# To assist with debugging of display hooks

# Helper functions #

def max_frame_warning(max_frames):
    sys.stderr.write("Skipping regular visual display to avoid "
                     "lengthy animation render times\n"
                     "[Total item frames exceeds max_frames on OutputSettings (%d)]"
                     % max_frames)

[docs]def process_object(obj): "Hook to process the object currently being displayed." invalid_options = OptsMagic.process_element(obj) if invalid_options: return invalid_options
def render(obj, **kwargs): info = process_object(obj) if info: IPython.display.display(IPython.display.HTML(info)) return if render_anim is not None: return render_anim(obj) backend = Store.current_backend renderer = Store.renderers[backend] # Drop back to png if pdf selected, notebook PDF rendering is buggy if renderer.fig == 'pdf': renderer = renderer.instance(fig='png') return renderer.html(obj, **kwargs)
[docs]def single_frame_plot(obj): """ Returns plot, renderer and format for single frame export. """ obj = Layout.from_values(obj) if isinstance(obj, AdjointLayout) else obj backend = Store.current_backend renderer = Store.renderers[backend] plot_cls = renderer.plotting_class(obj) plot = plot_cls(obj, **renderer.plot_options(obj, renderer.size)) fmt = renderer.params('fig').objects[0] if renderer.fig == 'auto' else renderer.fig return plot, renderer, fmt
[docs]def first_frame(obj): "Only display the first frame of an animated plot" plot, renderer, fmt = single_frame_plot(obj) plot.update(0) return renderer.html(plot, fmt)
[docs]def middle_frame(obj): "Only display the (approximately) middle frame of an animated plot" plot, renderer, fmt = single_frame_plot(obj) middle_frame = int(len(plot) / 2) plot.update(middle_frame) return renderer.html(plot, fmt)
[docs]def last_frame(obj): "Only display the last frame of an animated plot" plot, renderer, fmt = single_frame_plot(obj) plot.update(len(plot)) return renderer.html(plot, fmt)
#===============# # Display hooks # #===============# def dynamic_optstate(element, state=None): # Temporary fix to avoid issues with DynamicMap traversal DynamicMap._deep_indexable = False optstate = StoreOptions.state(element,state=state) DynamicMap._deep_indexable = True return optstate @contextmanager def option_state(element): optstate = dynamic_optstate(element) raised_exception = False try: yield except Exception: raised_exception = True raise finally: if raised_exception: dynamic_optstate(element, state=optstate) def display_hook(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapped(element): global FULL_TRACEBACK if Store.current_backend is None: return try: html = fn(element, max_frames=OutputSettings.options['max_frames']) # Only want to add to the archive for one display hook... disabled_suffixes = ['png_display', 'svg_display'] if not any(fn.__name__.endswith(suffix) for suffix in disabled_suffixes): if type(holoviews.archive) is not FileArchive: holoviews.archive.add(element, html=html) filename = OutputSettings.options['filename'] if filename: Store.renderers[Store.current_backend].save(element, filename) return html except SkipRendering as e: if e.warn: sys.stderr.write(str(e)) return None except AbbreviatedException as e: FULL_TRACEBACK = '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(e.etype, e.value, e.traceback)) info = dict(name=e.etype.__name__, message=str(e.value).replace('\n','<br>')) msg = '<i> [Call holoviews.ipython.show_traceback() for details]</i>' return "<b>{name}</b>{msg}<br>{message}".format(msg=msg, **info) except Exception: raise return wrapped @display_hook def element_display(element, max_frames): info = process_object(element) if info: IPython.display.display(IPython.display.HTML(info)) return backend = Store.current_backend if type(element) not in Store.registry[backend]: return None # Drop back to png if pdf selected, notebook PDF rendering is buggy renderer = Store.renderers[backend] if renderer.fig == 'pdf': renderer = renderer.instance(fig='png') return renderer.html(element, fmt=renderer.fig) @display_hook def map_display(vmap, max_frames): if not isinstance(vmap, (HoloMap, DynamicMap)): return None if isinstance(vmap, DynamicMap) and vmap.unbounded: dims = ', '.join('%r' % dim for dim in vmap.unbounded) msg = ('DynamicMap cannot be displayed without explicit indexing ' 'as {dims} dimension(s) are unbounded. ' '\nSet dimensions bounds with the DynamicMap redim.range ' 'or redim.values methods.') sys.stderr.write(msg.format(dims=dims)) return None if len(vmap) == 0 and not isinstance(vmap, DynamicMap): return None elif len(vmap) > max_frames: max_frame_warning(max_frames) return None return render(vmap) @display_hook def layout_display(layout, max_frames): if isinstance(layout, AdjointLayout): layout = Layout.from_values(layout) if not isinstance(layout, (Layout, NdLayout)): return None nframes = len(unique_dimkeys(layout)[1]) if nframes > max_frames: max_frame_warning(max_frames) return None return render(layout) @display_hook def grid_display(grid, max_frames): if not isinstance(grid, GridSpace): return None nframes = len(unique_dimkeys(grid)[1]) if nframes > max_frames: max_frame_warning(max_frames) return None return render(grid)
[docs]def display(obj, raw=False, **kwargs): """ Renders any HoloViews object to HTML and displays it using the IPython display function. If raw is enabled the raw HTML is returned instead of displaying it directly. """ if isinstance(obj, GridSpace): with option_state(obj): html = grid_display(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (CompositeOverlay, ViewableElement)): with option_state(obj): html = element_display(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (Layout, NdLayout, AdjointLayout)): with option_state(obj): html = layout_display(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (HoloMap, DynamicMap)): with option_state(obj): html = map_display(obj) else: return repr(obj) if raw else IPython.display.display(obj, **kwargs) return html if raw else IPython.display.display(IPython.display.HTML(html))
def pprint_display(obj): if 'html' not in Store.display_formats: return None # If pretty printing is off, return None (fallback to next display format) ip = get_ipython() # # noqa (in IPython namespace) if not ip.display_formatter.formatters['text/plain'].pprint: return None return display(obj, raw=True)
[docs]@display_hook def element_png_display(element, max_frames): """ Used to render elements to PNG if requested in the display formats. """ if 'png' not in Store.display_formats: return None info = process_object(element) if info: IPython.display.display(IPython.display.HTML(info)) return backend = Store.current_backend if type(element) not in Store.registry[backend]: return None renderer = Store.renderers[backend] # Current renderer does not support PNG if 'png' not in renderer.params('fig').objects: return None data, info = renderer(element, fmt='png') return data
[docs]@display_hook def element_svg_display(element, max_frames): """ Used to render elements to SVG if requested in the display formats. """ if 'svg' not in Store.display_formats: return None info = process_object(element) if info: IPython.display.display(IPython.display.HTML(info)) return backend = Store.current_backend if type(element) not in Store.registry[backend]: return None renderer = Store.renderers[backend] # Current renderer does not support SVG if 'svg' not in renderer.params('fig').objects: return None data, info = renderer(element, fmt='svg') return data
# display_video output by default, but may be set to first_frame, # middle_frame or last_frame (e.g. for testing purposes) render_anim = None def plot_display(plot): return plot.renderer.html(plot) def set_display_hooks(ip): html_formatter = ip.display_formatter.formatters['text/html'] html_formatter.for_type(ViewableElement, pprint_display) html_formatter.for_type(UniformNdMapping, pprint_display) html_formatter.for_type(AdjointLayout, pprint_display) html_formatter.for_type(Layout, pprint_display) # Give plot instances rich display html_formatter.for_type(Plot, plot_display) # Note: Disable additional hooks from calling archive # (see disabled_suffixes variable in the display decorator) png_formatter = ip.display_formatter.formatters['image/png'] png_formatter.for_type(ViewableElement, element_png_display) svg_formatter = ip.display_formatter.formatters['image/svg+xml'] svg_formatter.for_type(ViewableElement, element_svg_display)