from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import param
from bokeh.models import (DataRange1d, CategoricalColorMapper, CustomJS,
HoverTool, FactorRange, Whisker, Band)
from import BoxSelectTool
from ...core import Dataset, OrderedDict
from ...core.dimension import Dimension
from ...core.util import (max_range, basestring, dimension_sanitizer,
wrap_tuple, unique_iterator)
from ...element import Bars
from ...operation import interpolate_curve
from ..util import compute_sizes, get_min_distance, dim_axis_label
from .element import (ElementPlot, ColorbarPlot, LegendPlot, CompositeElementPlot,
line_properties, fill_properties)
from .path import PathPlot, PolygonPlot
from .util import expand_batched_style, categorize_array, rgb2hex, mpl_to_bokeh
class PointPlot(LegendPlot, ColorbarPlot):
color_index = param.ClassSelector(default=None, class_=(basestring, int),
allow_None=True, doc="""
Index of the dimension from which the color will the drawn""")
size_index = param.ClassSelector(default=None, class_=(basestring, int),
allow_None=True, doc="""
Index of the dimension from which the sizes will the drawn.""")
scaling_method = param.ObjectSelector(default="area",
objects=["width", "area"],
Determines whether the `scaling_factor` should be applied to
the width or area of each point (default: "area").""")
scaling_factor = param.Number(default=1, bounds=(0, None), doc="""
Scaling factor which is applied to either the width or area
of each point, depending on the value of `scaling_method`.""")
size_fn = param.Callable(default=np.abs, doc="""
Function applied to size values before applying scaling,
to remove values lower than zero.""")
style_opts = (['cmap', 'palette', 'marker', 'size'] +
line_properties + fill_properties)
_plot_methods = dict(single='scatter', batched='scatter')
_batched_style_opts = line_properties + fill_properties + ['size']
def _get_size_data(self, element, ranges, style):
data, mapping = {}, {}
sdim = element.get_dimension(self.size_index)
if not sdim or self.static_source:
return data, mapping
map_key = 'size_' +
ms = style.get('size', np.sqrt(6))**2
sizes = element.dimension_values(self.size_index)
sizes = compute_sizes(sizes, self.size_fn,
self.scaling_method, ms)
if sizes is None:
eltype = type(element).__name__
self.warning('%s dimension is not numeric, cannot '
'use to scale %s size.' % (sdim.pprint_label, eltype))
data[map_key] = np.sqrt(sizes)
mapping['size'] = map_key
return data, mapping
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
dims = element.dimensions(label=True)
xidx, yidx = (1, 0) if self.invert_axes else (0, 1)
mapping = dict(x=dims[xidx], y=dims[yidx])
data = {}
if not self.static_source:
xdim, ydim = dims[xidx], dims[yidx]
data[xdim] = element.dimension_values(xidx)
data[ydim] = element.dimension_values(yidx)
self._categorize_data(data, (xdim, ydim), element.dimensions())
cdata, cmapping = self._get_color_data(element, ranges, style)
sdata, smapping = self._get_size_data(element, ranges, style)
self._get_hover_data(data, element)
return data, mapping, style
def get_batched_data(self, element, ranges):
data = defaultdict(list)
zorders = self._updated_zorders(element)
for (key, el), zorder in zip(, zorders):
self.set_param(**self.lookup_options(el, 'plot').options)
style = self.lookup_options(element.last, 'style')
style = style.max_cycles(len(self.ordering))[zorder]
eldata, elmapping, style = self.get_data(el, ranges, style)
for k, eld in eldata.items():
# Skip if data is empty
if not eldata:
# Apply static styles
nvals = len(list(eldata.values())[0])
sdata, smapping = expand_batched_style(style, self._batched_style_opts,
elmapping, nvals)
for k, v in sdata.items():
if any(isinstance(t, HoverTool) for t in
for dim, k in zip(element.dimensions(), key):
sanitized = dimension_sanitizer(
data = {k: np.concatenate(v) for k, v in data.items()}
return data, elmapping, style
class VectorFieldPlot(ColorbarPlot):
arrow_heads = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether or not to draw arrow heads.""")
color_index = param.ClassSelector(default=None, class_=(basestring, int),
allow_None=True, doc="""
Index of the dimension from which the color will the drawn""")
size_index = param.ClassSelector(default=None, class_=(basestring, int),
allow_None=True, doc="""
Index of the dimension from which the sizes will the drawn.""")
normalize_lengths = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to normalize vector magnitudes automatically. If False,
it will be assumed that the lengths have already been correctly
pivot = param.ObjectSelector(default='mid', objects=['mid', 'tip', 'tail'],
The point around which the arrows should pivot valid options
include 'mid', 'tip' and 'tail'.""")
rescale_lengths = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether the lengths will be rescaled to take into account the
smallest non-zero distance between two vectors.""")
style_opts = line_properties + ['scale', 'cmap']
_plot_methods = dict(single='segment')
def _get_lengths(self, element, ranges):
mag_dim = element.get_dimension(self.size_index)
(x0, x1), (y0, y1) = (element.range(i) for i in range(2))
base_dist = get_min_distance(element)
if mag_dim:
magnitudes = element.dimension_values(mag_dim)
_, max_magnitude = ranges[]
if self.normalize_lengths and max_magnitude != 0:
magnitudes = magnitudes / max_magnitude
if self.rescale_lengths:
magnitudes *= base_dist
magnitudes = np.ones(len(element))
if self.rescale_lengths:
magnitudes *= base_dist
return magnitudes
def _glyph_properties(self, *args):
properties = super(VectorFieldPlot, self)._glyph_properties(*args)
properties.pop('scale', None)
return properties
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
input_scale = style.pop('scale', 1.0)
# Get x, y, angle, magnitude and color data
rads = element.dimension_values(2)
if self.invert_axes:
xidx, yidx = (1, 0)
rads = rads+1.5*np.pi
xidx, yidx = (0, 1)
lens = self._get_lengths(element, ranges)/input_scale
cdim = element.get_dimension(self.color_index)
cdata, cmapping = self._get_color_data(element, ranges, style,
# Compute segments and arrowheads
xs = element.dimension_values(xidx)
ys = element.dimension_values(yidx)
# Compute offset depending on pivot option
xoffsets = np.cos(rads)*lens/2.
yoffsets = np.sin(rads)*lens/2.
if self.pivot == 'mid':
nxoff, pxoff = xoffsets, xoffsets
nyoff, pyoff = yoffsets, yoffsets
elif self.pivot == 'tip':
nxoff, pxoff = 0, xoffsets*2
nyoff, pyoff = 0, yoffsets*2
elif self.pivot == 'tail':
nxoff, pxoff = xoffsets*2, 0
nyoff, pyoff = yoffsets*2, 0
x0s, x1s = (xs + nxoff, xs - pxoff)
y0s, y1s = (ys + nyoff, ys - pyoff)
if self.arrow_heads:
arrow_len = (lens/4.)
xa1s = x0s - np.cos(rads+np.pi/4)*arrow_len
ya1s = y0s - np.sin(rads+np.pi/4)*arrow_len
xa2s = x0s - np.cos(rads-np.pi/4)*arrow_len
ya2s = y0s - np.sin(rads-np.pi/4)*arrow_len
x0s = np.concatenate([x0s, x0s, x0s])
x1s = np.concatenate([x1s, xa1s, xa2s])
y0s = np.concatenate([y0s, y0s, y0s])
y1s = np.concatenate([y1s, ya1s, ya2s])
if cdim:
color = cdata.get(
color = np.concatenate([color, color, color])
elif cdim:
color = cdata.get(
data = {'x0': x0s, 'x1': x1s, 'y0': y0s, 'y1': y1s}
mapping = dict(x0='x0', x1='x1', y0='y0', y1='y1')
if cdim:
data[] = color
return (data, mapping, style)
class CurvePlot(ElementPlot):
interpolation = param.ObjectSelector(objects=['linear', 'steps-mid',
'steps-pre', 'steps-post'],
default='linear', doc="""
Defines how the samples of the Curve are interpolated,
default is 'linear', other options include 'steps-mid',
'steps-pre' and 'steps-post'.""")
style_opts = line_properties
_plot_methods = dict(single='line', batched='multi_line')
_batched_style_opts = line_properties
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
xidx, yidx = (1, 0) if self.invert_axes else (0, 1)
x = element.get_dimension(xidx).name
y = element.get_dimension(yidx).name
if self.static_source:
return {}, dict(x=x, y=y), style
if 'steps' in self.interpolation:
element = interpolate_curve(element, interpolation=self.interpolation)
data = {x: element.dimension_values(xidx),
y: element.dimension_values(yidx)}
self._get_hover_data(data, element)
self._categorize_data(data, (x, y), element.dimensions())
return (data, dict(x=x, y=y), style)
def _hover_opts(self, element):
if self.batched:
dims = list(self.hmap.last.kdims)
line_policy = 'prev'
dims = list(self.overlay_dims.keys())+element.dimensions()
line_policy = 'nearest'
return dims, dict(line_policy=line_policy)
def get_batched_data(self, overlay, ranges):
data = defaultdict(list)
zorders = self._updated_zorders(overlay)
for (key, el), zorder in zip(, zorders):
self.set_param(**self.lookup_options(el, 'plot').options)
style = self.lookup_options(el, 'style')
style = style.max_cycles(len(self.ordering))[zorder]
eldata, elmapping, style = self.get_data(el, ranges, style)
# Skip if data empty
if not eldata:
for k, eld in eldata.items():
# Apply static styles
sdata, smapping = expand_batched_style(style, self._batched_style_opts,
elmapping, nvals=1)
for k, v in sdata.items():
for d, k in zip(overlay.kdims, key):
sanitized = dimension_sanitizer(
data = {opt: vals for opt, vals in data.items()
if not any(v is None for v in vals)}
mapping = {{'x': 'xs', 'y': 'ys'}.get(k, k): v
for k, v in elmapping.items()}
return data, mapping, style
class HistogramPlot(ElementPlot):
style_opts = line_properties + fill_properties
_plot_methods = dict(single='quad')
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
if self.invert_axes:
mapping = dict(top='left', bottom='right', left=0, right='top')
mapping = dict(top='top', bottom=0, left='left', right='right')
if self.static_source:
data = dict(top=[], left=[], right=[])
data = dict(top=element.values, left=element.edges[:-1],
self._get_hover_data(data, element)
return (data, mapping, style)
def get_extents(self, element, ranges):
x0, y0, x1, y1 = super(HistogramPlot, self).get_extents(element, ranges)
ylow, yhigh = element.get_dimension(1).range
y0 = np.nanmin([0, y0]) if ylow is None or not np.isfinite(ylow) else ylow
y1 = np.nanmax([0, y1]) if yhigh is None or not np.isfinite(yhigh) else yhigh
return (x0, y0, x1, y1)
class SideHistogramPlot(ColorbarPlot, HistogramPlot):
style_opts = HistogramPlot.style_opts + ['cmap']
height = param.Integer(default=125, doc="The height of the plot")
width = param.Integer(default=125, doc="The width of the plot")
show_title = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to display the plot title.""")
default_tools = param.List(default=['save', 'pan', 'wheel_zoom',
'box_zoom', 'reset', 'ybox_select'],
doc="A list of plugin tools to use on the plot.")
_callback = """
color_mapper.low = cb_data['geometry']['y0'];
color_mapper.high = cb_data['geometry']['y1'];
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
if self.invert_axes:
mapping = dict(top='right', bottom='left', left=0, right='top')
mapping = dict(top='top', bottom=0, left='left', right='right')
if self.static_source:
data = dict(top=[], left=[], right=[])
data = dict(top=element.values, left=element.edges[:-1],
color_dims = [d for d in self.adjoined.traverse(lambda x: x.handles.get('color_dim'))
if d is not None]
dim = color_dims[0] if color_dims else None
cmapper = self._get_colormapper(dim, element, {}, {})
if cmapper and dim in element.dimensions():
data[] = [] if self.static_source else element.dimension_values(dim)
mapping['fill_color'] = {'field':,
'transform': cmapper}
self._get_hover_data(data, element)
return (data, mapping, style)
def _init_glyph(self, plot, mapping, properties):
Returns a Bokeh glyph object.
ret = super(SideHistogramPlot, self)._init_glyph(plot, mapping, properties)
if not 'field' in mapping.get('fill_color', {}):
return ret
dim = mapping['fill_color']['field']
sources = self.adjoined.traverse(lambda x: (x.handles.get('color_dim'),
sources = [src for cdim, src in sources if cdim == dim]
tools = [t for t in self.handles['plot'].tools
if isinstance(t, BoxSelectTool)]
if not tools or not sources:
box_select, main_source = tools[0], sources[0]
handles = {'color_mapper': self.handles['color_mapper'],
'source': self.handles['source'],
'main_source': main_source}
if box_select.callback:
box_select.callback.code += self._callback
box_select.callback = CustomJS(args=handles, code=self._callback)
return ret
class ErrorPlot(ElementPlot):
style_opts = line_properties
_mapping = dict(base="base", upper="upper", lower="lower")
_plot_methods = dict(single=Whisker)
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
mapping = dict(self._mapping)
if self.static_source:
return {}, mapping, style
base = element.dimension_values(0)
ys = element.dimension_values(1)
if len(element.vdims) > 2:
neg, pos = (element.dimension_values(vd) for vd in element.vdims[1:3])
lower, upper = ys-neg, ys+pos
err = element.dimension_values(2)
lower, upper = ys-err, ys+err
data = dict(base=base, lower=lower, upper=upper)
if self.invert_axes:
mapping['dimension'] = 'width'
mapping['dimension'] = 'height'
self._categorize_data(data, ('base',), element.dimensions())
return (data, mapping, style)
def _init_glyph(self, plot, mapping, properties):
Returns a Bokeh glyph object.
properties.pop('legend', None)
for prop in ['color', 'alpha']:
if prop not in properties:
pval = properties.pop(prop)
line_prop = 'line_%s' % prop
fill_prop = 'fill_%s' % prop
if line_prop not in properties:
properties[line_prop] = pval
if fill_prop not in properties and fill_prop in self.style_opts:
properties[fill_prop] = pval
properties = mpl_to_bokeh(properties)
plot_method = self._plot_methods['single']
glyph = plot_method(**dict(properties, **mapping))
return None, glyph
class SpreadPlot(ErrorPlot):
style_opts = line_properties + fill_properties
_plot_methods = dict(single=Band)
class AreaPlot(SpreadPlot):
def get_extents(self, element, ranges):
vdims = element.vdims
vdim = vdims[0].name
if len(vdims) > 1:
ranges[vdim] = max_range([ranges[] for vd in vdims])
vdim = vdims[0].name
ranges[vdim] = (np.nanmin([0, ranges[vdim][0]]), ranges[vdim][1])
return super(AreaPlot, self).get_extents(element, ranges)
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
mapping = dict(self._mapping)
if self.static_source:
return {}, mapping, style
xs = element.dimension_values(0)
if len(element.vdims) > 1:
lower = element.dimension_values(2)
lower = np.zeros(len(element))
upper = element.dimension_values(1)
data = dict(base=xs, upper=upper, lower=lower)
if self.invert_axes:
mapping['dimension'] = 'width'
mapping['dimension'] = 'height'
return data, mapping, style
class SpikesPlot(ColorbarPlot):
color_index = param.ClassSelector(default=None, allow_None=True,
class_=(basestring, int), doc="""
Index of the dimension from which the color will the drawn""")
spike_length = param.Number(default=0.5, doc="""
The length of each spike if Spikes object is one dimensional.""")
position = param.Number(default=0., doc="""
The position of the lower end of each spike.""")
show_legend = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to show legend for the plot.""")
style_opts = (['color', 'cmap', 'palette'] + line_properties)
_plot_methods = dict(single='segment')
def get_extents(self, element, ranges):
l, b, r, t = super(SpikesPlot, self).get_extents(element, ranges)
if len(element.dimensions()) == 1:
if self.batched:
bs, ts = [], []
# Iterate over current NdOverlay and compute extents
# from position and length plot options
frame = self.current_frame or self.hmap.last
for el in frame.values():
opts = self.lookup_options(el, 'plot').options
pos = opts.get('position', self.position)
length = opts.get('spike_length', self.spike_length)
b = np.nanmin(bs)
t = np.nanmax(ts)
b, t = self.position, self.position+self.spike_length
b = np.nanmin([0, b])
t = np.nanmax([0, t])
return l, b, r, t
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
dims = element.dimensions(label=True)
data = {}
pos = self.position
if len(element) == 0 or self.static_source:
data = {'x': [], 'y0': [], 'y1': []}
data['x'] = element.dimension_values(0)
data['y0'] = np.full(len(element), pos)
if len(dims) > 1:
data['y1'] = element.dimension_values(1)+pos
data['y1'] = data['y0']+self.spike_length
if self.invert_axes:
mapping = {'x0': 'y0', 'x1': 'y1', 'y0': 'x', 'y1': 'x'}
mapping = {'x0': 'x', 'x1': 'x', 'y0': 'y0', 'y1': 'y1'}
cdim = element.get_dimension(self.color_index)
if cdim:
cmapper = self._get_colormapper(cdim, element, ranges, style)
data[] = [] if self.static_source else element.dimension_values(cdim)
mapping['color'] = {'field':,
'transform': cmapper}
if any(isinstance(t, HoverTool) for t in and not self.static_source:
for d in dims:
data[dimension_sanitizer(d)] = element.dimension_values(d)
return data, mapping, style
[docs]class SideSpikesPlot(SpikesPlot):
SpikesPlot with useful defaults for plotting adjoined rug plot.
xaxis = param.ObjectSelector(default='top-bare',
objects=['top', 'bottom', 'bare', 'top-bare',
'bottom-bare', None], doc="""
Whether and where to display the xaxis, bare options allow suppressing
all axis labels including ticks and xlabel. Valid options are 'top',
'bottom', 'bare', 'top-bare' and 'bottom-bare'.""")
yaxis = param.ObjectSelector(default='right-bare',
objects=['left', 'right', 'bare', 'left-bare',
'right-bare', None], doc="""
Whether and where to display the yaxis, bare options allow suppressing
all axis labels including ticks and ylabel. Valid options are 'left',
'right', 'bare' 'left-bare' and 'right-bare'.""")
border = param.Integer(default=5, doc="Default borders on plot")
height = param.Integer(default=50, doc="Height of plot")
width = param.Integer(default=50, doc="Width of plot")
[docs]class BarPlot(ColorbarPlot, LegendPlot):
BarPlot allows generating single- or multi-category
bar Charts, by selecting which key dimensions are
mapped onto separate groups, categories and stacks.
color_index = param.ClassSelector(default=None, class_=(basestring, int),
allow_None=True, doc="""
Index of the dimension from which the color will the drawn""")
group_index = param.ClassSelector(default=1, class_=(basestring, int),
allow_None=True, doc="""
Index of the dimension in the supplied Bars
Element, which will be laid out into groups.""")
stack_index = param.ClassSelector(default=None, class_=(basestring, int),
allow_None=True, doc="""
Index of the dimension in the supplied Bars
Element, which will stacked.""")
style_opts = line_properties + fill_properties + ['width', 'cmap']
_plot_methods = dict(single=('vbar', 'hbar'))
# Declare that y-range should auto-range if not bounded
_y_range_type = DataRange1d
[docs] def get_extents(self, element, ranges):
Make adjustments to plot extents by computing
stacked bar heights, adjusting the bar baseline
and forcing the x-axis to be categorical.
if self.batched:
overlay = self.current_frame
element = Bars(overlay.table(), kdims=element.kdims+overlay.kdims,
for kd in overlay.kdims:
ranges[] = overlay.range(kd)
stacked = element.get_dimension(self.stack_index)
extents = super(BarPlot, self).get_extents(element, ranges)
xdim = element.kdims[0]
ydim = element.vdims[0]
# Compute stack heights
if stacked:
ds = Dataset(element)
pos_range =**{ (0, None)}).aggregate(xdim, function=np.sum).range(ydim)
neg_range =**{ (None, 0)}).aggregate(xdim, function=np.sum).range(ydim)
y0, y1 = max_range([pos_range, neg_range])
y0, y1 = ranges[]
# Set y-baseline
if y0 < 0:
y1 = max([y1, 0])
elif self.logy:
y0 = (ydim.range[0] or (10**(np.log10(y1)-2)) if y1 else 0.01)
y0 = 0
# Ensure x-axis is picked up as categorical
x0 = xdim.pprint_value(extents[0])
x1 = xdim.pprint_value(extents[2])
return (x0, y0, x1, y1)
def _get_factors(self, element):
Get factors for categorical axes.
gdim = element.get_dimension(self.group_index)
if gdim not in element.kdims:
gdim = None
sdim = element.get_dimension(self.stack_index)
if sdim not in element.kdims:
sdim = None
xdim, ydim = element.dimensions()[:2]
xvals = element.dimension_values(0, False)
xvals = [x if xvals.dtype.kind in 'SU' else xdim.pprint_value(x)
for x in xvals]
if gdim and not sdim:
gvals = element.dimension_values(gdim, False)
gvals = [g if gvals.dtype.kind in 'SU' else gdim.pprint_value(g) for g in gvals]
coords = ([(x, g) for x in xvals for g in gvals], [])
coords = (xvals, [])
if self.invert_axes: coords = coords[::-1]
return coords
def _get_axis_labels(self, *args, **kwargs):
Override axis mapping by setting the first key and value
dimension as the x-axis and y-axis labels.
element = self.current_frame
if self.batched:
element = element.last
xlabel = dim_axis_label(element.kdims[0])
gdim = element.get_dimension(self.group_index)
if gdim and gdim in element.kdims:
xlabel = ', '.join([xlabel, dim_axis_label(gdim)])
return (xlabel, dim_axis_label(element.vdims[0]), None)
[docs] def get_stack(self, xvals, yvals, baselines, sign='positive'):
Iterates over a x- and y-values in a stack layer
and appropriately offsets the layer on top of the
previous layer.
bottoms, tops = [], []
for x, y in zip(xvals, yvals):
baseline = baselines[x][sign]
if sign == 'positive':
bottom = baseline
top = bottom+y
baseline = top
top = baseline
bottom = top+y
baseline = bottom
baselines[x][sign] = baseline
return bottoms, tops
def _glyph_properties(self, *args):
props = super(BarPlot, self)._glyph_properties(*args)
del props['width']
return props
def _add_color_data(self, ds, ranges, style, cdim, data, mapping, factors, colors):
# Get colormapper
cdata, cmapping = self._get_color_data(ds, ranges, dict(style),
factors=factors, colors=colors)
if 'color' not in cmapping:
# Enable legend if colormapper is categorical
cmapper = cmapping['color']['transform']
if ('color' in cmapping and self.show_legend and
isinstance(cmapper, CategoricalColorMapper)):
mapping['legend'] =
# Merge data and mappings
for k, cd in cdata.items():
if self.color_index is None and cd.dtype.kind in 'if':
cd = categorize_array(cd, color_dim)
if k not in data or len(data[k]) != [len(data[key]) for key in data if key != k][0]:
data[k][-1] = cd
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
# Get x, y, group, stack and color dimensions
grouping = None
group_dim = element.get_dimension(self.group_index)
if group_dim not in element.kdims:
group_dim = None
grouping = 'grouped'
stack_dim = element.get_dimension(self.stack_index)
if stack_dim not in element.kdims:
stack_dim = None
grouping = 'stacked'
group_dim = None
xdim = element.get_dimension(0)
ydim = element.vdims[0]
no_cidx = self.color_index is None
color_index = (group_dim or stack_dim) if no_cidx else self.color_index
color_dim = element.get_dimension(color_index)
if color_dim:
self.color_index =
# Define style information
width = style.get('width', 1)
cmap = style.get('cmap')
hover = any(t == 'hover' or isinstance(t, HoverTool)
for t in
# Group by stack or group dim if necessary
if group_dim is None:
grouped = {0: element}
grouped = element.groupby(group_dim, group_type=Dataset,
datatype=['dataframe', 'dictionary'])
y0, y1 = ranges.get(, (None, None))
if self.logy:
bottom = (ydim.range[0] or (10**(np.log10(y1)-2)) if y1 else 0.01)
bottom = 0
# Map attributes to data
if grouping == 'stacked':
mapping = {'x':, 'top': 'top',
'bottom': 'bottom', 'width': width}
elif grouping == 'grouped':
mapping = {'x': 'xoffsets', 'top':, 'bottom': bottom,
'width': width}
mapping = {'x':, 'top':, 'bottom': bottom, 'width': width}
# Get colors
cdim = color_dim or group_dim
cvals = element.dimension_values(cdim, expanded=False) if cdim else None
if cvals is not None:
if cvals.dtype.kind in 'if' and no_cidx:
cvals = categorize_array(cvals, color_dim)
factors = None if cvals.dtype.kind in 'if' else list(cvals)
if cdim is xdim and factors:
factors = list(categorize_array(factors, xdim))
if cmap is None and factors:
styles =
colors = [styles[i]['color'] for i in range(len(factors))]
colors = [rgb2hex(c) if isinstance(c, tuple) else c for c in colors]
colors = None
factors, colors = None, None
# Iterate over stacks and groups and accumulate data
data = defaultdict(list)
baselines = defaultdict(lambda: {'positive': bottom, 'negative': 0})
for i, (k, ds) in enumerate(grouped.items()):
k = k[0] if isinstance(k, tuple) else k
if group_dim:
gval = k if isinstance(k, basestring) else group_dim.pprint_value(k)
# Apply stacking or grouping
if grouping == 'stacked':
for sign, slc in [('negative', (None, 0)), ('positive', (0, None))]:
slc_ds =**{ds.vdims[0].name: slc})
xs = slc_ds.dimension_values(xdim)
ys = slc_ds.dimension_values(ydim)
bs, ts = self.get_stack(xs, ys, baselines, sign)
if hover: data[].append(ys)
self._add_color_data(slc_ds, ranges, style, cdim, data,
mapping, factors, colors)
elif grouping == 'grouped':
xs = ds.dimension_values(xdim)
ys = ds.dimension_values(ydim)
xoffsets = [(x if xs.dtype.kind in 'SU' else xdim.pprint_value(x), gval)
for x in xs]
if hover: data[].append(xs)
if group_dim not in ds.dimensions():
ds = ds.add_dimension(, ds.ndims, gval)
if hover:
for vd in ds.vdims[1:]:
if not grouping == 'stacked':
self._add_color_data(ds, ranges, style, cdim, data,
mapping, factors, colors)
# Concatenate the stacks or groups
sanitized_data = {}
for col, vals in data.items():
if len(vals) == 1:
sanitized_data[dimension_sanitizer(col)] = vals[0]
elif vals:
sanitized_data[dimension_sanitizer(col)] = np.concatenate(vals)
for name, val in mapping.items():
sanitized = None
if isinstance(val, basestring):
sanitized = dimension_sanitizer(mapping[name])
mapping[name] = sanitized
elif isinstance(val, dict) and 'field' in val:
sanitized = dimension_sanitizer(val['field'])
val['field'] = sanitized
if sanitized is not None and sanitized not in sanitized_data:
sanitized_data[sanitized] = []
# Ensure x-values are categorical
xname = dimension_sanitizer(
if xname in sanitized_data:
sanitized_data[xname] = categorize_array(sanitized_data[xname], xdim)
# If axes inverted change mapping to match hbar signature
if self.invert_axes:
mapping.update({'y': mapping.pop('x'), 'left': mapping.pop('bottom'),
'right': mapping.pop('top'), 'height': mapping.pop('width')})
return sanitized_data, mapping, style
class BoxWhiskerPlot(CompositeElementPlot, ColorbarPlot, LegendPlot):
color_index = param.ClassSelector(default=None, class_=(basestring, int),
allow_None=True, doc="""
Index of the dimension from which the color will the drawn""")
show_legend = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to show legend for the plot.""")
# X-axis is categorical
_x_range_type = FactorRange
# Declare that y-range should auto-range if not bounded
_y_range_type = DataRange1d
# Map each glyph to a style group
_style_groups = {'rect': 'whisker', 'segment': 'whisker',
'vbar': 'box', 'hbar': 'box', 'circle': 'outlier'}
style_opts = (['whisker_'+p for p in line_properties] +\
['box_'+p for p in fill_properties+line_properties] +\
['outlier_'+p for p in fill_properties+line_properties] + ['width', 'cmap'])
_stream_data = False # Plot does not support streaming data
def get_extents(self, element, ranges):
Extents are set to '' and None because x-axis is categorical and
y-axis auto-ranges.
yrange = element.range(element.vdims[0], data_range=False)
return ('', yrange[0], '', yrange[1])
def _get_axis_labels(self, *args, **kwargs):
Override axis labels to group all key dimensions together.
element = self.current_frame
xlabel = ', '.join([kd.pprint_label for kd in element.kdims])
ylabel = element.vdims[0].pprint_label
return xlabel, ylabel, None
def _glyph_properties(self, plot, element, source, ranges, style):
properties = dict(style, source=source)
if self.show_legend and not element.kdims:
properties['legend'] = element.label
return properties
def _get_factors(self, element):
Get factors for categorical axes.
if not element.kdims:
xfactors, yfactors = [element.label], []
factors = [tuple(d.pprint_value(v) for d, v in zip(element.kdims, key))
for key in element.groupby(element.kdims).data.keys()]
factors = [f[0] if len(f) == 1 else f for f in factors]
xfactors, yfactors = factors, []
return (yfactors, xfactors) if self.invert_axes else (xfactors, yfactors)
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
if element.kdims:
groups = element.groupby(element.kdims).data
groups = dict([(element.label, element)])
vdim = dimension_sanitizer(element.vdims[0].name)
# Define CDS data
r1_data, r2_data = ({'index': [], 'top': [], 'bottom': []} for i in range(2))
s1_data, s2_data = ({'x0': [], 'y0': [], 'x1': [], 'y1': []} for i in range(2))
w1_data, w2_data = ({'index': [], vdim: []} for i in range(2))
out_data = defaultdict(list, {'index': [], vdim: []})
# Define glyph-data mapping
width = style.get('width', 0.7)
if self.invert_axes:
vbar_map = {'y': 'index', 'left': 'top', 'right': 'bottom', 'height': width}
seg_map = {'y0': 'x0', 'y1': 'x1', 'x0': 'y0', 'x1': 'y1'}
whisk_map = {'y': 'index', 'x': vdim, 'height': 0.2, 'width': 0.001}
out_map = {'y': 'index', 'x': vdim}
vbar_map = {'x': 'index', 'top': 'top', 'bottom': 'bottom', 'width': width}
seg_map = {'x0': 'x0', 'x1': 'x1', 'y0': 'y0', 'y1': 'y1'}
whisk_map = {'x': 'index', 'y': vdim, 'width': 0.2, 'height': 0.001}
out_map = {'x': 'index', 'y': vdim}
vbar2_map = dict(vbar_map)
# Get color values
if self.color_index is not None:
cdim = element.get_dimension(self.color_index)
cidx = element.get_dimension_index(self.color_index)
cdim, cidx = None, None
factors = []
for key, g in groups.items():
# Compute group label
if element.kdims:
label = tuple(d.pprint_value(v) for d, v in zip(element.kdims, key))
if len(label) == 1:
label = label[0]
label = key
# Add color factor
if cidx is not None and cidx<element.ndims:
# Compute statistics
vals = g.dimension_values(g.vdims[0])
if len(vals):
qmin, q1, q2, q3, qmax = (np.percentile(vals, q=q) for q in range(0,125,25))
iqr = q3 - q1
upper = min(q3 + 1.5*iqr, vals.max())
lower = max(q1 - 1.5*iqr, vals.min())
qmin, q1, q2, q3, qmax = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
lower, upper = 0, 0
outliers = vals[(vals>upper) | (vals<lower)]
# Add to CDS data
for data in [r1_data, r2_data, w1_data, w2_data]:
for data in [s1_data, s2_data]:
if len(outliers):
out_data['index'] += [label]*len(outliers)
out_data[vdim] += list(outliers)
if any(isinstance(t, HoverTool) for t in
for kd, k in zip(element.kdims, wrap_tuple(key)):
out_data[dimension_sanitizer(] += [k]*len(outliers)
# Define combined data and mappings
bar_glyph = 'hbar' if self.invert_axes else 'vbar'
data = {
bar_glyph+'_1': r1_data, bar_glyph+'_2': r2_data, 'segment_1': s1_data,
'segment_2': s2_data, 'rect_1': w1_data, 'rect_2': w2_data,
'circle': out_data
mapping = {
bar_glyph+'_1': vbar_map, bar_glyph+'_2': vbar2_map, 'segment_1': seg_map,
'segment_2': seg_map, 'rect_1': whisk_map, 'rect_2': whisk_map,
'circle': out_map
# Cast data to arrays to take advantage of base64 encoding
for gdata in [r1_data, r2_data, s1_data, s2_data, w1_data, w2_data, out_data]:
for k, values in gdata.items():
gdata[k] = np.array(values)
# Return if not grouped
if not element.kdims:
return data, mapping, style
# Define color dimension and data
if cidx is None or cidx>=element.ndims:
cdim = Dimension('index')
r1_data[dimension_sanitizer(] = factors
r2_data[dimension_sanitizer(] = factors
factors = list(unique_iterator(factors))
# Get colors and define categorical colormapper
cname = dimension_sanitizer(
cmap = style.get('cmap')
if cmap is None:
cycle_style = self.lookup_options(element, 'style')
styles = cycle_style.max_cycles(len(factors))
colors = [styles[i].get('box_color', styles[i]['box_fill_color'])
for i in range(len(factors))]
colors = [rgb2hex(c) if isinstance(c, tuple) else c for c in colors]
colors = None
mapper = self._get_colormapper(cdim, element, ranges, style, factors, colors)
vbar_map['fill_color'] = {'field': cname, 'transform': mapper}
vbar2_map['fill_color'] = {'field': cname, 'transform': mapper}
if self.show_legend:
vbar_map['legend'] =
return data, mapping, style