Source code for holoviews.plotting.comms
import json
import uuid
import sys
import traceback
from StringIO import StringIO
from io import StringIO
[docs]class StandardOutput(list):
Context manager to capture standard output for any code it
is wrapping and make it available as a list, e.g.:
>>> with StandardOutput() as stdout:
... print('This gets captured')
>>> print(stdout[0])
This gets captured
def __enter__(self):
self._stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = self._stringio = StringIO()
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
sys.stdout = self._stdout
[docs]class Comm(object):
Comm encompasses any uni- or bi-directional connection between
a python process and a frontend allowing passing of messages
between the two. A Comms class must implement methods
send data and handle received message events.
If the Comm has to be set up on the frontend a template to
handle the creation of the comms channel along with a message
handler to process incoming messages must be supplied.
The template must accept three arguments:
* id - A unique id to register to register the comm under.
* msg_handler - JS code which has the msg variable in scope and
performs appropriate action for the supplied message.
* init_frame - The initial frame to render on the frontend.
template = ''
def __init__(self, plot, id=None, on_msg=None):
Initializes a Comms object
""" = id if id else uuid.uuid4().hex
self._plot = plot
self._on_msg = on_msg
self._comm = None
[docs] def init(self, on_msg=None):
Initializes comms channel.
[docs] def send(self, data=None, buffers=[]):
Sends data to the frontend
[docs] @classmethod
def decode(cls, msg):
Decode incoming message, e.g. by parsing json.
return msg
def comm(self):
if not self._comm:
raise ValueError('Comm has not been initialized')
return self._comm
def _handle_msg(self, msg):
Decode received message before passing it to on_msg callback
if it has been defined.
comm_id = None
stdout = []
msg = self.decode(msg)
comm_id = msg.pop('comm_id', None)
if self._on_msg:
# Comm swallows standard output so we need to capture
# it and then send it to the frontend
with StandardOutput() as stdout:
except Exception as e:
frame =traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-2]
fname,lineno,fn,text = frame
error_kwargs = dict(type=type(e).__name__, fn=fn, fname=fname,
line=lineno, error=str(e))
error = '{fname} {fn} L{line}\n\t{type}: {error}'.format(**error_kwargs)
if stdout:
stdout = '\n\t'+'\n\t'.join(stdout)
error = '\n'.join([stdout, error])
reply = {'msg_type': "Error", 'traceback': error}
stdout = '\n\t'+'\n\t'.join(stdout) if stdout else ''
reply = {'msg_type': "Ready", 'content': stdout}
# Returning the comm_id in an ACK message ensures that
# the correct comms handle is unblocked
if comm_id:
reply['comm_id'] = comm_id
[docs]class JupyterComm(Comm):
JupyterComm provides a Comm for the notebook which is initialized
the first time data is pushed to the frontend.
template = """
function msg_handler(msg) {{
var msg =;
if ((window.Jupyter !== undefined) && (Jupyter.notebook.kernel != null)) {{
comm_manager = Jupyter.notebook.kernel.comm_manager;
comm_manager.register_target("{comm_id}", function(comm) {{ comm.on_msg(msg_handler);}});
<div id="fig_{comm_id}">
def init(self):
from ipykernel.comm import Comm as IPyComm
if self._comm:
self._comm = IPyComm(, data={})
[docs] @classmethod
def decode(cls, msg):
Decodes messages following Jupyter messaging protocol.
If JSON decoding fails data is assumed to be a regular string.
return msg['content']['data']
[docs] def send(self, data=None, buffers=[]):
Pushes data across comm socket.
if not self._comm:
self.comm.send(data, buffers=buffers)
[docs]class JupyterCommJS(JupyterComm):
JupyterCommJS provides a comms channel for the Jupyter notebook,
which is initialized on the frontend. This allows sending events
initiated on the frontend to python.
template = """
function msg_handler(msg) {{
var msg =;
if ((window.Jupyter !== undefined) && (Jupyter.notebook.kernel != null)) {{
var comm_manager = Jupyter.notebook.kernel.comm_manager;
comm = comm_manager.new_comm("{comm_id}", {{}}, {{}}, {{}}, "{comm_id}");
<div id="fig_{comm_id}">
def __init__(self, plot, id=None, on_msg=None):
Initializes a Comms object
from IPython import get_ipython
super(JupyterCommJS, self).__init__(plot, id, on_msg)
self.manager = get_ipython().kernel.comm_manager
self.manager.register_target(, self._handle_open)
def _handle_open(self, comm, msg):
self._comm = comm
[docs] def send(self, data=None, buffers=[]):
Pushes data across comm socket.
self.comm.send(data, buffers=buffers)