import param
from plotly import tools
from ...core import (OrderedDict, NdLayout, AdjointLayout, Empty,
HoloMap, GridSpace, CompositeOverlay, GridMatrix)
from ...element import Histogram
from ...core.options import Store, Compositor
from ...core.util import wrap_tuple
from ..plot import DimensionedPlot, GenericLayoutPlot, GenericCompositePlot
from .util import add_figure
class PlotlyPlot(DimensionedPlot):
backend = 'plotly'
width = param.Integer(default=400)
height = param.Integer(default=400)
def state(self):
The plotting state that gets updated via the update method and
used by the renderer to generate output.
return self.handles['fig']
def initialize_plot(self, ranges=None):
return self.generate_plot(self.keys[-1], ranges)
def update_frame(self, key, ranges=None):
return self.generate_plot(key, ranges)
class LayoutPlot(PlotlyPlot, GenericLayoutPlot):
hspacing = param.Number(default=0.2, bounds=(0, 1))
vspacing = param.Number(default=0.2, bounds=(0, 1))
def __init__(self, layout, **params):
super(LayoutPlot, self).__init__(layout, **params)
self.layout, self.subplots, self.paths = self._init_layout(layout)
def _get_size(self):
rows, cols = self.layout.shape
return cols*self.width*0.8, rows*self.height
def _init_layout(self, layout):
# Situate all the Layouts in the grid and compute the gridspec
# indices for all the axes required by each LayoutPlot.
layout_count = 0
collapsed_layout = layout.clone(shared_data=False,
frame_ranges = self.compute_ranges(layout, None, None)
frame_ranges = OrderedDict([(key, self.compute_ranges(layout, key, frame_ranges))
for key in self.keys])
layout_items = layout.grid_items()
layout_dimensions = layout.kdims if isinstance(layout, NdLayout) else None
layout_subplots, layouts, paths = {}, {}, {}
for r, c in self.coords:
# Get view at layout position and wrap in AdjointLayout
key, view = layout_items.get((c, r) if self.transpose else (r, c), (None, None))
view = view if isinstance(view, AdjointLayout) else AdjointLayout([view])
layouts[(r, c)] = view
paths[r, c] = key
# Compute the layout type from shape
layout_lens = {1:'Single', 2:'Dual', 3: 'Triple'}
layout_type = layout_lens.get(len(view), 'Single')
# Get the AdjoinLayout at the specified coordinate
positions = AdjointLayoutPlot.layout_dict[layout_type]['positions']
# Create temporary subplots to get projections types
# to create the correct subaxes for all plots in the layout
layout_key, _ = layout_items.get((r, c), (None, None))
if isinstance(layout, NdLayout) and layout_key:
layout_dimensions = OrderedDict(zip(layout_dimensions, layout_key))
# Generate the axes and create the subplots with the appropriate
# axis objects, handling any Empty objects.
obj = layouts[(r, c)]
empty = isinstance(obj.main, Empty)
if empty:
obj = AdjointLayout([])
layout_count += 1
subplot_data = self._create_subplots(obj, positions,
layout_dimensions, frame_ranges,
num=0 if empty else layout_count)
subplots, adjoint_layout = subplot_data
# Generate the AdjointLayoutsPlot which will coordinate
# plotting of AdjointLayouts in the larger grid
plotopts = self.lookup_options(view, 'plot').options
layout_plot = AdjointLayoutPlot(adjoint_layout, layout_type, subplots, **plotopts)
layout_subplots[(r, c)] = layout_plot
if layout_key:
collapsed_layout[layout_key] = adjoint_layout
return collapsed_layout, layout_subplots, paths
def _create_subplots(self, layout, positions, layout_dimensions, ranges, num=0):
Plot all the views contained in the AdjointLayout Object using axes
appropriate to the layout configuration. All the axes are
supplied by LayoutPlot - the purpose of the call is to
invoke subplots with correct options and styles and hide any
empty axes as necessary.
subplots = {}
adjoint_clone = layout.clone(shared_data=False,
subplot_opts = dict(adjoined=layout)
main_plot = None
for pos in positions:
# Pos will be one of 'main', 'top' or 'right' or None
element = layout.get(pos, None)
if element is None:
# Options common for any subplot
vtype = element.type if isinstance(element, HoloMap) else element.__class__
plot_type = Store.registry[self.renderer.backend].get(vtype, None)
plotopts = self.lookup_options(element, 'plot').options
side_opts = {}
if pos != 'main':
plot_type = AdjointLayoutPlot.registry.get(vtype, plot_type)
if pos == 'right':
side_opts = dict(height=main_plot.height, yaxis='right',
invert_axes=True, width=120, labelled=['y'],
xticks=2, show_title=False)
side_opts = dict(width=main_plot.width, xaxis='top',
height=120, labelled=['x'], yticks=2,
# Override the plotopts as required
# Customize plotopts depending on position.
plotopts = dict(side_opts, **plotopts)
if plot_type is None:
self.warning("Plotly plotting class for %s type not found, object will "
"not be rendered." % vtype.__name__)
num = num if len(self.coords) > 1 else 0
subplot = plot_type(element, keys=self.keys,
ranges=ranges, subplot=True,
uniform=self.uniform, layout_num=num,
subplots[pos] = subplot
if isinstance(plot_type, type) and issubclass(plot_type, GenericCompositePlot):
adjoint_clone[pos] = subplots[pos].layout
adjoint_clone[pos] = subplots[pos].hmap
if pos == 'main':
main_plot = subplot
return subplots, adjoint_clone
def generate_plot(self, key, ranges=None):
ranges = self.compute_ranges(self.layout, self.keys[-1], None)
plots = [[] for i in range(self.rows)]
insert_rows, insert_cols = [], []
for r, c in self.coords:
subplot = self.subplots.get((r, c), None)
if subplot is not None:
subplots = subplot.generate_plot(key, ranges=ranges)
# Computes plotting offsets depending on
# number of adjoined plots
offset = sum(r >= ir for ir in insert_rows)
if len(subplots) > 2:
# Add pad column in this position
if r not in insert_rows:
# Insert and pad marginal row if none exists
plots.insert(r+offset, [None for _ in range(len(plots[r]))])
# Pad previous rows
for ir in range(r):
plots[ir].insert(c+1, None)
# Add to row offset
offset += 1
# Add top marginal
plots[r+offset-1] += [subplots.pop(-1), None]
elif len(subplots) > 1:
# Add pad column in this position
# Pad previous rows
for ir in range(r):
plots[r].insert(c+1, None)
# Pad top marginal if one exists
if r in insert_rows:
plots[r+offset-1] += 2*[None]
# Pad top marginal if one exists
if r in insert_rows:
plots[r+offset-1] += [None] * (1+(c in insert_cols))
plots[r+offset] += subplots
if len(subplots) == 1 and c in insert_cols:
rows, cols = len(plots), len(plots[0])
fig = tools.make_subplots(rows=rows, cols=cols, print_grid=False,
width, height = self._get_size()
ax_idx = 0
for r, row in enumerate(plots):
for c, plot in enumerate(row):
ax_idx += 1
if plot:
add_figure(fig, plot, r, c, ax_idx)
fig['layout'].update(height=height, width=width,
self.handles['fig'] = fig
return self.handles['fig']
class AdjointLayoutPlot(PlotlyPlot):
layout_dict = {'Single': {'positions': ['main']},
'Dual': {'positions': ['main', 'right']},
'Triple': {'positions': ['main', 'right', 'top']}}
registry = {}
def __init__(self, layout, layout_type, subplots, **params):
# The AdjointLayout ViewableElement object
self.layout = layout
# Type may be set to 'Embedded Dual' by a call it grid_situate
self.layout_type = layout_type
self.view_positions = self.layout_dict[self.layout_type]['positions']
# The supplied (axes, view) objects as indexed by position
super(AdjointLayoutPlot, self).__init__(subplots=subplots, **params)
def initialize_plot(self, ranges=None):
Plot all the views contained in the AdjointLayout Object using axes
appropriate to the layout configuration. All the axes are
supplied by LayoutPlot - the purpose of the call is to
invoke subplots with correct options and styles and hide any
empty axes as necessary.
return self.generate_plot(self.keys[-1], ranges)
def generate_plot(self, key, ranges=None):
adjoined_plots = []
for pos in ['main', 'right', 'top']:
# Pos will be one of 'main', 'top' or 'right' or None
subplot = self.subplots.get(pos, None)
# If no view object or empty position, disable the axis
if subplot:
adjoined_plots.append(subplot.generate_plot(key, ranges=ranges))
if not adjoined_plots: adjoined_plots = [None]
return adjoined_plots
[docs]class GridPlot(PlotlyPlot, GenericCompositePlot):
Plot a group of elements in a grid layout based on a GridSpace element
hspacing = param.Number(default=0.05, bounds=(0, 1))
vspacing = param.Number(default=0.05, bounds=(0, 1))
def __init__(self, layout, ranges=None, layout_num=1, **params):
if not isinstance(layout, GridSpace):
raise Exception("GridPlot only accepts GridSpace.")
super(GridPlot, self).__init__(layout=layout, layout_num=layout_num,
ranges=ranges, **params)
self.cols, self.rows = layout.shape
self.subplots, self.layout = self._create_subplots(layout, ranges)
def _create_subplots(self, layout, ranges):
subplots = OrderedDict()
frame_ranges = self.compute_ranges(layout, None, ranges)
frame_ranges = OrderedDict([(key, self.compute_ranges(layout, key, frame_ranges))
for key in self.keys])
collapsed_layout = layout.clone(shared_data=False,
for i, coord in enumerate(layout.keys(full_grid=True)):
if not isinstance(coord, tuple): coord = (coord,)
view =, None)
# Create subplot
if view is not None:
vtype = view.type if isinstance(view, HoloMap) else view.__class__
opts = self.lookup_options(view, 'plot').options
vtype = None
# Create axes
kwargs = {}
if isinstance(layout, GridMatrix):
if view.traverse(lambda x: x, [Histogram]):
kwargs['shared_axes'] = False
# Create subplot
plotting_class = Store.registry[self.renderer.backend].get(vtype, None)
if plotting_class is None:
if view is not None:
self.warning("Plotly plotting class for %s type not found, "
"object will not be rendered." % vtype.__name__)
subplot = plotting_class(view, dimensions=self.dimensions,
show_title=False, subplot=True,
ranges=frame_ranges, uniform=self.uniform,
keys=self.keys, **dict(opts, **kwargs))
collapsed_layout[coord] = (subplot.layout
if isinstance(subplot, GenericCompositePlot)
else subplot.hmap)
subplots[coord] = subplot
return subplots, collapsed_layout
def generate_plot(self, key, ranges=None):
ranges = self.compute_ranges(self.layout, self.keys[-1], None)
plots = [[] for r in range(self.cols)]
for i, coord in enumerate(self.layout.keys(full_grid=True)):
r = i % self.cols
subplot = self.subplots.get(wrap_tuple(coord), None)
if subplot is not None:
plot = subplot.initialize_plot(ranges=ranges)
rows, cols = len(plots), len(plots[0])
fig = tools.make_subplots(rows=rows, cols=cols, print_grid=False,
shared_xaxes=True, shared_yaxes=True,
ax_idx = 0
for r, row in enumerate(plots):
for c, plot in enumerate(row):
ax_idx += 1
if plot:
add_figure(fig, plot, r, c, ax_idx)
w, h = self._get_size(subplot.width, subplot.height)
fig['layout'].update(width=w, height=h,
self.handles['fig'] = fig
return self.handles['fig']
def _get_size(self, width, height):
max_dim = max(self.layout.shape)
# Reduce plot size as GridSpace gets larger
shape_factor = 1. / max_dim
# Expand small grids to a sensible viewing size
expand_factor = 1 + (max_dim - 1) * 0.1
scale_factor = expand_factor * shape_factor
cols, rows = self.layout.shape
return (scale_factor * cols * width,
scale_factor * rows * height)