Source code for holoviews.plotting.plotly.plot

import param
from plotly import tools

from ...core import (OrderedDict, NdLayout, AdjointLayout, Empty,
                     HoloMap, GridSpace, CompositeOverlay, GridMatrix)
from ...element import Histogram
from ...core.options import Store, Compositor
from ...core.util import wrap_tuple
from ..plot import DimensionedPlot, GenericLayoutPlot, GenericCompositePlot
from .util import add_figure

class PlotlyPlot(DimensionedPlot):

    backend = 'plotly'

    width = param.Integer(default=400)

    height = param.Integer(default=400)

    def state(self):
        The plotting state that gets updated via the update method and
        used by the renderer to generate output.
        return self.handles['fig']

    def initialize_plot(self, ranges=None):
        return self.generate_plot(self.keys[-1], ranges)

    def update_frame(self, key, ranges=None):
        return self.generate_plot(key, ranges)

class LayoutPlot(PlotlyPlot, GenericLayoutPlot):

    hspacing = param.Number(default=0.2, bounds=(0, 1))

    vspacing = param.Number(default=0.2, bounds=(0, 1))

    def __init__(self, layout, **params):
        super(LayoutPlot, self).__init__(layout, **params)
        self.layout, self.subplots, self.paths = self._init_layout(layout)

    def _get_size(self):
        rows, cols = self.layout.shape
        return cols*self.width*0.8, rows*self.height

    def _init_layout(self, layout):
        # Situate all the Layouts in the grid and compute the gridspec
        # indices for all the axes required by each LayoutPlot.
        layout_count = 0
        collapsed_layout = layout.clone(shared_data=False,
        frame_ranges = self.compute_ranges(layout, None, None)
        frame_ranges = OrderedDict([(key, self.compute_ranges(layout, key, frame_ranges))
                                    for key in self.keys])
        layout_items = layout.grid_items()
        layout_dimensions = layout.kdims if isinstance(layout, NdLayout) else None
        layout_subplots, layouts, paths = {}, {}, {}
        for r, c in self.coords:
            # Get view at layout position and wrap in AdjointLayout
            key, view = layout_items.get((c, r) if self.transpose else (r, c), (None, None))
            view = view if isinstance(view, AdjointLayout) else AdjointLayout([view])
            layouts[(r, c)] = view
            paths[r, c] = key

            # Compute the layout type from shape
            layout_lens = {1:'Single', 2:'Dual', 3: 'Triple'}
            layout_type = layout_lens.get(len(view), 'Single')

            # Get the AdjoinLayout at the specified coordinate
            positions = AdjointLayoutPlot.layout_dict[layout_type]['positions']

            # Create temporary subplots to get projections types
            # to create the correct subaxes for all plots in the layout
            layout_key, _ = layout_items.get((r, c), (None, None))
            if isinstance(layout, NdLayout) and layout_key:
                layout_dimensions = OrderedDict(zip(layout_dimensions, layout_key))

            # Generate the axes and create the subplots with the appropriate
            # axis objects, handling any Empty objects.
            obj = layouts[(r, c)]
            empty = isinstance(obj.main, Empty)
            if empty:
                obj = AdjointLayout([])
                layout_count += 1
            subplot_data = self._create_subplots(obj, positions,
                                                 layout_dimensions, frame_ranges,
                                                 num=0 if empty else layout_count)
            subplots, adjoint_layout = subplot_data

            # Generate the AdjointLayoutsPlot which will coordinate
            # plotting of AdjointLayouts in the larger grid
            plotopts = self.lookup_options(view, 'plot').options
            layout_plot = AdjointLayoutPlot(adjoint_layout, layout_type, subplots, **plotopts)
            layout_subplots[(r, c)] = layout_plot
            if layout_key:
                collapsed_layout[layout_key] = adjoint_layout
        return collapsed_layout, layout_subplots, paths

    def _create_subplots(self, layout, positions, layout_dimensions, ranges, num=0):
        Plot all the views contained in the AdjointLayout Object using axes
        appropriate to the layout configuration. All the axes are
        supplied by LayoutPlot - the purpose of the call is to
        invoke subplots with correct options and styles and hide any
        empty axes as necessary.
        subplots = {}
        adjoint_clone = layout.clone(shared_data=False,
        subplot_opts = dict(adjoined=layout)
        main_plot = None
        for pos in positions:
            # Pos will be one of 'main', 'top' or 'right' or None
            element = layout.get(pos, None)
            if element is None:

            # Options common for any subplot
            vtype = element.type if isinstance(element, HoloMap) else element.__class__
            plot_type = Store.registry[self.renderer.backend].get(vtype, None)
            plotopts = self.lookup_options(element, 'plot').options
            side_opts = {}
            if pos != 'main':
                plot_type = AdjointLayoutPlot.registry.get(vtype, plot_type)
                if pos == 'right':
                    side_opts = dict(height=main_plot.height, yaxis='right',
                                     invert_axes=True, width=120, labelled=['y'],
                                     xticks=2, show_title=False)
                    side_opts = dict(width=main_plot.width, xaxis='top',
                                     height=120, labelled=['x'], yticks=2,

            # Override the plotopts as required
            # Customize plotopts depending on position.
            plotopts = dict(side_opts, **plotopts)

            if plot_type is None:
                self.warning("Plotly plotting class for %s type not found, object will "
                             "not be rendered." % vtype.__name__)
            num = num if len(self.coords) > 1 else 0
            subplot = plot_type(element, keys=self.keys,
                                ranges=ranges, subplot=True,
                                uniform=self.uniform, layout_num=num,
            subplots[pos] = subplot
            if isinstance(plot_type, type) and issubclass(plot_type, GenericCompositePlot):
                adjoint_clone[pos] = subplots[pos].layout
                adjoint_clone[pos] = subplots[pos].hmap
            if pos == 'main':
                main_plot = subplot

        return subplots, adjoint_clone

    def generate_plot(self, key, ranges=None):
        ranges = self.compute_ranges(self.layout, self.keys[-1], None)
        plots = [[] for i in range(self.rows)]
        insert_rows, insert_cols = [], []
        for r, c in self.coords:
            subplot = self.subplots.get((r, c), None)
            if subplot is not None:
                subplots = subplot.generate_plot(key, ranges=ranges)

                # Computes plotting offsets depending on
                # number of adjoined plots
                offset = sum(r >= ir for ir in insert_rows)
                if len(subplots) > 2:
                    # Add pad column in this position
                    if r not in insert_rows:
                        # Insert and pad marginal row if none exists
                        plots.insert(r+offset, [None for _ in range(len(plots[r]))])
                        # Pad previous rows
                        for ir in range(r):
                            plots[ir].insert(c+1, None)
                        # Add to row offset
                        offset += 1
                    # Add top marginal
                    plots[r+offset-1] += [subplots.pop(-1), None]
                elif len(subplots) > 1:
                    # Add pad column in this position
                    # Pad previous rows
                    for ir in range(r):
                        plots[r].insert(c+1, None)
                    # Pad top marginal if one exists
                    if r in insert_rows:
                        plots[r+offset-1] += 2*[None]
                    # Pad top marginal if one exists
                    if r in insert_rows:
                        plots[r+offset-1] += [None] * (1+(c in insert_cols))
                plots[r+offset] += subplots
                if len(subplots) == 1 and c in insert_cols:

        rows, cols = len(plots), len(plots[0])
        fig = tools.make_subplots(rows=rows, cols=cols, print_grid=False,

        width, height = self._get_size()
        ax_idx = 0
        for r, row in enumerate(plots):
            for c, plot in enumerate(row):
                ax_idx += 1
                if plot:
                    add_figure(fig, plot, r, c, ax_idx)
        fig['layout'].update(height=height, width=width,

        self.handles['fig'] = fig
        return self.handles['fig']

class AdjointLayoutPlot(PlotlyPlot):

    layout_dict = {'Single': {'positions': ['main']},
                   'Dual':   {'positions': ['main', 'right']},
                   'Triple': {'positions': ['main', 'right', 'top']}}

    registry = {}

    def __init__(self, layout, layout_type, subplots, **params):
        # The AdjointLayout ViewableElement object
        self.layout = layout
        # Type may be set to 'Embedded Dual' by a call it grid_situate
        self.layout_type = layout_type
        self.view_positions = self.layout_dict[self.layout_type]['positions']

        # The supplied (axes, view) objects as indexed by position
        super(AdjointLayoutPlot, self).__init__(subplots=subplots, **params)

    def initialize_plot(self, ranges=None):
        Plot all the views contained in the AdjointLayout Object using axes
        appropriate to the layout configuration. All the axes are
        supplied by LayoutPlot - the purpose of the call is to
        invoke subplots with correct options and styles and hide any
        empty axes as necessary.
        return self.generate_plot(self.keys[-1], ranges)

    def generate_plot(self, key, ranges=None):
        adjoined_plots = []
        for pos in ['main', 'right', 'top']:
            # Pos will be one of 'main', 'top' or 'right' or None
            subplot = self.subplots.get(pos, None)
            # If no view object or empty position, disable the axis
            if subplot:
                adjoined_plots.append(subplot.generate_plot(key, ranges=ranges))
        if not adjoined_plots: adjoined_plots = [None]
        return adjoined_plots

[docs]class GridPlot(PlotlyPlot, GenericCompositePlot): """ Plot a group of elements in a grid layout based on a GridSpace element object. """ hspacing = param.Number(default=0.05, bounds=(0, 1)) vspacing = param.Number(default=0.05, bounds=(0, 1)) def __init__(self, layout, ranges=None, layout_num=1, **params): if not isinstance(layout, GridSpace): raise Exception("GridPlot only accepts GridSpace.") super(GridPlot, self).__init__(layout=layout, layout_num=layout_num, ranges=ranges, **params) self.cols, self.rows = layout.shape self.subplots, self.layout = self._create_subplots(layout, ranges) def _create_subplots(self, layout, ranges): subplots = OrderedDict() frame_ranges = self.compute_ranges(layout, None, ranges) frame_ranges = OrderedDict([(key, self.compute_ranges(layout, key, frame_ranges)) for key in self.keys]) collapsed_layout = layout.clone(shared_data=False, for i, coord in enumerate(layout.keys(full_grid=True)): if not isinstance(coord, tuple): coord = (coord,) view =, None) # Create subplot if view is not None: vtype = view.type if isinstance(view, HoloMap) else view.__class__ opts = self.lookup_options(view, 'plot').options else: vtype = None # Create axes kwargs = {} if isinstance(layout, GridMatrix): if view.traverse(lambda x: x, [Histogram]): kwargs['shared_axes'] = False # Create subplot plotting_class = Store.registry[self.renderer.backend].get(vtype, None) if plotting_class is None: if view is not None: self.warning("Plotly plotting class for %s type not found, " "object will not be rendered." % vtype.__name__) else: subplot = plotting_class(view, dimensions=self.dimensions, show_title=False, subplot=True, ranges=frame_ranges, uniform=self.uniform, keys=self.keys, **dict(opts, **kwargs)) collapsed_layout[coord] = (subplot.layout if isinstance(subplot, GenericCompositePlot) else subplot.hmap) subplots[coord] = subplot return subplots, collapsed_layout def generate_plot(self, key, ranges=None): ranges = self.compute_ranges(self.layout, self.keys[-1], None) plots = [[] for r in range(self.cols)] for i, coord in enumerate(self.layout.keys(full_grid=True)): r = i % self.cols subplot = self.subplots.get(wrap_tuple(coord), None) if subplot is not None: plot = subplot.initialize_plot(ranges=ranges) plots[r].append(plot) else: plots[r].append(None) rows, cols = len(plots), len(plots[0]) fig = tools.make_subplots(rows=rows, cols=cols, print_grid=False, shared_xaxes=True, shared_yaxes=True, horizontal_spacing=self.hspacing, vertical_spacing=self.vspacing) ax_idx = 0 for r, row in enumerate(plots): for c, plot in enumerate(row): ax_idx += 1 if plot: add_figure(fig, plot, r, c, ax_idx) w, h = self._get_size(subplot.width, subplot.height) fig['layout'].update(width=w, height=h, title=self._format_title(key)) self.handles['fig'] = fig return self.handles['fig'] def _get_size(self, width, height): max_dim = max(self.layout.shape) # Reduce plot size as GridSpace gets larger shape_factor = 1. / max_dim # Expand small grids to a sensible viewing size expand_factor = 1 + (max_dim - 1) * 0.1 scale_factor = expand_factor * shape_factor cols, rows = self.layout.shape return (scale_factor * cols * width, scale_factor * rows * height)