Source code for holoviews.plotting.plotly.util
import plotly.graph_objs as go
[docs]def add_figure(fig, subfig, r, c, idx):
Combines a figure with an existing figure created with, by adding the data and merging
axis layout options.
ref = fig._grid_ref[r][c][0][1:]
layout = replace_refs(subfig['layout'], ref)
fig['layout']['xaxis%s'%ref].update(layout.get('xaxis', {}))
fig['layout']['yaxis%s'%ref].update(layout.get('yaxis', {}))
fig['layout']['annotations'].extend(layout.get('annotations', []))
for d in subfig['data']:
fig.append_trace(d, r+1, c+1)
[docs]def replace_refs(obj, ind):
Replaces xref and yref to allow combining multiple plots
if isinstance(obj, go.graph_objs.PlotlyList):
return [replace_refs(o, ind) for o in obj]
elif isinstance(obj, go.graph_objs.PlotlyDict):
new_obj = {}
for k, v in obj.items():
if k in ['xref', 'yref']:
v = '{ax}{ind}'.format(ax=k[0], ind=ind)
new_obj[k] = replace_refs(v, ind)
return new_obj
return obj