Source code for holoviews.util.parser

The magics offered by the HoloViews IPython extension are powerful and
support rich, compositional specifications. To avoid the the brittle,
convoluted code that results from trying to support the syntax in pure
Python, this file defines suitable parsers using pyparsing that are
cleaner and easier to understand.

Pyparsing is required by matplotlib and will therefore be available if
HoloViews is being used in conjunction with matplotlib.
from __future__ import division
import param
from itertools import groupby
import numpy as np
import pyparsing as pp

from ..core.options import Options, Cycle, Palette
from ..operation import Compositor

allowed = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!#$%&\()*+,-./:;<=>?@\\^_`{|}~'

# To generate warning in the standard param style
# Parameterize Parser and use warning method once param supports
# logging at the class level.
class ParserWarning(param.Parameterized):pass
parsewarning = ParserWarning(name='Warning')

[docs]class Parser(object): """ Base class for magic line parsers, designed for forgiving parsing of keyword lists. """ # Static namespace set in of the extension namespace = {'np': np, 'Cycle': Cycle, 'Palette': Palette} # If True, raise SyntaxError on eval error otherwise warn abort_on_eval_failure = False @classmethod def _strip_commas(cls, kw): "Strip out any leading/training commas from the token" kw = kw[:-1] if kw[-1]==',' else kw return kw[1:] if kw[0]==',' else kw @classmethod def recurse_token(cls, token, inner): recursed = [] for tok in token: if isinstance(tok, list): new_tok = [s for t in tok for s in (cls.recurse_token(t, inner) if isinstance(t, list) else [t])] recursed.append((inner % ''.join(new_tok))) else: recursed.append(tok) return inner % ''.join(recursed)
[docs] @classmethod def collect_tokens(cls, parseresult, mode): """ Collect the tokens from a (potentially) nested parse result. """ inner = '(%s)' if mode=='parens' else '[%s]' if parseresult is None: return [] tokens = [] for token in parseresult.asList(): # If value is a tuple, the token will be a list if isinstance(token, list): token = cls.recurse_token(token, inner) tokens[-1] = tokens[-1] + token else: if token.strip() == ',': continue tokens.append(cls._strip_commas(token)) return tokens
[docs] @classmethod def todict(cls, parseresult, mode='parens', ns={}): """ Helper function to return dictionary given the parse results from a pyparsing.nestedExpr object (containing keywords). The ns is a dynamic namespace (typically the IPython Notebook namespace) used to update the class-level namespace. """ grouped, kwargs = [], {} tokens = cls.collect_tokens(parseresult, mode) # Group tokens without '=' and append to last token containing '=' for group in groupby(tokens, lambda el: '=' in el): (val, items) = group if val is True: grouped += list(items) if val is False: elements =list(items) # Assume anything before ) or } can be joined with commas # (e.g tuples with spaces in them) joiner=',' if any(((')' in el) or ('}' in el)) for el in elements) else '' grouped[-1] += joiner + joiner.join(elements) for keyword in grouped: # Tuple ('a', 3) becomes (,'a',3) and '(,' is never valid # Same for some of the other joining errors corrected here for (fst,snd) in [('(,', '('), ('{,', '{'), ('=,','='), (',:',':'), (':,', ':'), (',,', ','), (',.', '.')]: keyword = keyword.replace(fst, snd) try: kwargs.update(eval('dict(%s)' % keyword, dict(cls.namespace, **ns))) except: if cls.abort_on_eval_failure: raise SyntaxError("Could not evaluate keyword: %r" % keyword) msg = "Ignoring keyword pair that fails to evaluate: '%s'" parsewarning.warning(msg % keyword) return kwargs
[docs]class OptsSpec(Parser): """ An OptsSpec is a string specification that describes an OptionTree. It is a list of tree path specifications (using dotted syntax) separated by keyword lists for any of the style, plotting or normalization options. These keyword lists are denoted 'plot(..)', 'style(...)' and 'norm(...)' respectively. These three groups may be specified even more concisely using keyword lists delimited by square brackets, parentheses and braces respectively. All these sets are optional and may be supplied in any order. For instance, the following string: Image (interpolation=None) plot(show_title=False) Curve style(color='r') Would specify an OptionTree where Image has "interpolation=None" for style and 'show_title=False' for plot options. The Curve has a style set such that color='r'. The parser is fairly forgiving; commas between keywords are optional and additional spaces are often allowed. The only restriction is that keywords *must* be immediately followed by the '=' sign (no space). """ plot_options_short = pp.nestedExpr('[', ']', content=pp.OneOrMore(pp.Word(allowed) ^ pp.quotedString) ).setResultsName('plot_options') plot_options_long = pp.nestedExpr(opener='plot[', closer=']', content=pp.OneOrMore(pp.Word(allowed) ^ pp.quotedString) ).setResultsName('plot_options') plot_options = (plot_options_short | plot_options_long) style_options_short = pp.nestedExpr(opener='(', closer=')', ignoreExpr=None ).setResultsName("style_options") style_options_long = pp.nestedExpr(opener='style(', closer=')', ignoreExpr=None ).setResultsName("style_options") style_options = (style_options_short | style_options_long) norm_options_short = pp.nestedExpr(opener='{', closer='}', ignoreExpr=None ).setResultsName("norm_options") norm_options_long = pp.nestedExpr(opener='norm{', closer='}', ignoreExpr=None ).setResultsName("norm_options") norm_options = (norm_options_short | norm_options_long) compositor_ops = pp.MatchFirst( [pp.Literal( for el in Compositor.definitions if]) dotted_path = pp.Combine( pp.Word(ascii_uppercase, exact=1) + pp.Word(pp.alphanums+'._')) pathspec = (dotted_path | compositor_ops).setResultsName("pathspec") spec_group = pp.Group(pathspec + (pp.Optional(norm_options) & pp.Optional(plot_options) & pp.Optional(style_options))) opts_spec = pp.OneOrMore(spec_group) # Aliases that map to the current option name for backward compatibility aliases = {'horizontal_spacing':'hspace', 'vertical_spacing': 'vspace', 'figure_alpha':' fig_alpha', 'figure_bounds': 'fig_bounds', 'figure_inches': 'fig_inches', 'figure_latex': 'fig_latex', 'figure_rcparams': 'fig_rcparams', 'figure_size': 'fig_size', 'show_xaxis': 'xaxis', 'show_yaxis': 'yaxis'} deprecations = [('GridImage', 'Image')]
[docs] @classmethod def process_normalization(cls, parse_group): """ Given a normalization parse group (i.e. the contents of the braces), validate the option list and compute the appropriate integer value for the normalization plotting option. """ if ('norm_options' not in parse_group): return None opts = parse_group['norm_options'][0].asList() if opts == []: return None options = ['+framewise', '-framewise', '+axiswise', '-axiswise'] for normopt in options: if opts.count(normopt) > 1: raise SyntaxError("Normalization specification must not" " contain repeated %r" % normopt) if not all(opt in options for opt in opts): raise SyntaxError("Normalization option not one of %s" % ", ".join(options)) excluded = [('+framewise', '-framewise'), ('+axiswise', '-axiswise')] for pair in excluded: if all(exclude in opts for exclude in pair): raise SyntaxError("Normalization specification cannot" " contain both %s and %s" % (pair[0], pair[1])) # If unspecified, default is -axiswise and -framewise if len(opts) == 1 and opts[0].endswith('framewise'): axiswise = False framewise = True if '+framewise' in opts else False elif len(opts) == 1 and opts[0].endswith('axiswise'): framewise = False axiswise = True if '+axiswise' in opts else False else: axiswise = True if '+axiswise' in opts else False framewise = True if '+framewise' in opts else False return dict(axiswise=axiswise, framewise=framewise)
@classmethod def _group_paths_without_options(cls, line_parse_result): """ Given a parsed options specification as a list of groups, combine groups without options with the first subsequent group which has options. A line of the form 'A B C [opts] D E [opts_2]' results in [({A, B, C}, [opts]), ({D, E}, [opts_2])] """ active_pathspecs = set() for group in line_parse_result: active_pathspecs.add(group['pathspec']) has_options = ( 'norm_options' in group or 'plot_options' in group or 'style_options' in group ) if has_options: yield active_pathspecs, group active_pathspecs = set() if active_pathspecs: yield active_pathspecs, {} @classmethod def _merge_options(cls, old_opts, new_opts): """ Update the old_opts option dictionary with the options defined in new_opts. Instead of a shallow update as would be performed by calling old_opts.update(new_opts), this updates the dictionaries of all option types separately. Given two dictionaries old_opts = {'a': {'x': 'old', 'y': 'old'}} and new_opts = {'a': {'y': 'new', 'z': 'new'}, 'b': {'k': 'new'}} this returns a dictionary {'a': {'x': 'old', 'y': 'new', 'z': 'new'}, 'b': {'k': 'new'}} """ merged = dict(old_opts) for option_type, options in new_opts.items(): if option_type not in merged: merged[option_type] = {} merged[option_type].update(options) return merged
[docs] @classmethod def apply_deprecations(cls, path): "Convert any potentially deprecated paths and issue appropriate warnings" split = path.split('.') msg = 'Element {old} deprecated. Use {new} instead.' for old, new in cls.deprecations: if split[0] == old: parsewarning.warning(msg.format(old=old, new=new)) return '.'.join([new] + split[1:]) return path
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, line, ns={}): """ Parse an options specification, returning a dictionary with path keys and {'plot':<options>, 'style':<options>} values. """ parses = [p for p in cls.opts_spec.scanString(line)] if len(parses) != 1: raise SyntaxError("Invalid specification syntax.") else: e = parses[0][2] processed = line[:e] if (processed.strip() != line.strip()): raise SyntaxError("Failed to parse remainder of string: %r" % line[e:]) grouped_paths = cls._group_paths_without_options(cls.opts_spec.parseString(line)) parse = {} for pathspecs, group in grouped_paths: options = {} normalization = cls.process_normalization(group) if normalization is not None: options['norm'] = normalization if 'plot_options' in group: plotopts = group['plot_options'][0] opts = cls.todict(plotopts, 'brackets', ns=ns) options['plot'] = {cls.aliases.get(k,k):v for k,v in opts.items()} if 'style_options' in group: styleopts = group['style_options'][0] opts = cls.todict(styleopts, 'parens', ns=ns) options['style'] = {cls.aliases.get(k,k):v for k,v in opts.items()} for pathspec in pathspecs: parse[pathspec] = cls._merge_options(parse.get(pathspec, {}), options) return { cls.apply_deprecations(path): { option_type: Options(**option_pairs) for option_type, option_pairs in options.items() } for path, options in parse.items() }
[docs]class CompositorSpec(Parser): """ The syntax for defining a set of compositor is as follows: [ mode op(spec) [settings] value ]+ The components are: mode : Operation mode, either 'data' or 'display'. group : Value identifier with capitalized initial letter. op : The name of the operation to apply. spec : Overlay specification of form (A * B) where A and B are dotted path specifications. settings : Optional list of keyword arguments to be used as parameters to the operation (in square brackets). """ mode = pp.Word(pp.alphas+pp.nums+'_').setResultsName("mode") op = pp.Word(pp.alphas+pp.nums+'_').setResultsName("op") overlay_spec = pp.nestedExpr(opener='(', closer=')', ignoreExpr=None ).setResultsName("spec") value = pp.Word(pp.alphas+pp.nums+'_').setResultsName("value") op_settings = pp.nestedExpr(opener='[', closer=']', ignoreExpr=None ).setResultsName("op_settings") compositor_spec = pp.OneOrMore(pp.Group(mode + op + overlay_spec + value + pp.Optional(op_settings)))
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, line, ns={}): """ Parse compositor specifications, returning a list Compositors """ definitions = [] parses = [p for p in cls.compositor_spec.scanString(line)] if len(parses) != 1: raise SyntaxError("Invalid specification syntax.") else: e = parses[0][2] processed = line[:e] if (processed.strip() != line.strip()): raise SyntaxError("Failed to parse remainder of string: %r" % line[e:]) opmap = {op.__name__:op for op in Compositor.operations} for group in cls.compositor_spec.parseString(line): if ('mode' not in group) or group['mode'] not in ['data', 'display']: raise SyntaxError("Either data or display mode must be specified.") mode = group['mode'] kwargs = {} operation = opmap[group['op']] spec = ' '.join(group['spec'].asList()[0]) if group['op'] not in opmap: raise SyntaxError("Operation %s not available for use with compositors." % group['op']) if 'op_settings' in group: kwargs = cls.todict(group['op_settings'][0], 'brackets', ns=ns) definition = Compositor(str(spec), operation, str(group['value']), mode, **kwargs) definitions.append(definition) return definitions